(Above: Despite nearly falling to flea-beetles, Garden #2’s collards are now growing some magnificent leaves.)

Active Summary: Today began with the daily regimen of calisthenics, writing, and a beef pasture check with Padre. On my way back to Jacobhouse, I checked both gardens, and after that, I wrote until about 9:15 AM. This was followed by my tending to a Master Blend customer* and then by my venturing into Ocala with Madre. In town, we first stopped by Home Depot where I loaded an order of four 100-pound propane tanks and two propane-powered generators into the back of the van as Madre procured some items within the store. A brief visit to Publix came next and was ensued by a stop by Sushi Bistro where we retrieved the day’s lunch (which ended up being quite delicious).
(7:59 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with a bit of writing and a brief rest. This was followed by my helping with various farm-related activities, including: the usual cattle catching / checking / treating, a gate-fix with Padre and Wag, and a Segway ride through the beef pasture. To conclude outdoor activities, I spent about 20 minutes in Garden #1 tying the tomato plants up a little higher on the west fence with an extension cord and butcher’s twine. I also harvested some greens before heading indoors and making a pure-health salad (pictured below at the end of slideshow).
Final Note: After concluding this entry, I am going to get cleaned up, eat dinner at the studio, and have some leisure time.
*A vegetarian lady who wanted soup bones for her two dogs. Something just didn’t seem quite logical about that; it seemed to me that a rabbit would have been a better fit for her no-animal-eating lifestyle.