Building Summary: Today I, with Padre’s help, readjusted the position of the oven hood so it sits directly between cupboards #1 and #3. This was followed by my sweeping clean both the refrigerator wall and the raised kitchen area, neatening the work table, and retrieving/setting up the painting supplies for tomorrow.
Commentary: This morning I got to put in the most ridiculous self-tapping screws that have been used in Jacobhouse thus far: the ones that now hold the oven hood flush against the kitchen wall. To get to them, I had to stand on a crooked ladder – front side up on the raised kitchen step and back side on the lower ‘true’ floor* – and reach in and over the oven hood’s siding. It was the first time that I experienced a sense of ‘cramped-ness’ atop a ladder. Regardless, the screws are now in, the oven hood is level, and almost all the positioning work for the kitchen’s wall is complete. I now get to look forward to painting.
As for a highlight, I do have one to note. Madre revealed to me a form of decoration I could choose for the plywood walls throughout Jacobhouse. Originally I thought it was going to be beadboard, but she gave me a new idea: stick-on wall tiles. These do not require the paste application of traditional wallpaper and they come in quite a variety of colors and patterns. I wonder if there are any silvery sort that could be used to maintain Jacobhouse’s industrial feel. Here’s the link she sent me. There’s quite a selection.
(Wren Update:) I saw both parent wrens today. They’re still working tirelessly to feed their clamoring young (the little ones were quite audible for the entire duration of my morning in the container home).
Final Note: Tomorrow I shall be painting the refrigerator wall and the raised kitchen area with glossy black primer-paint. I think that two coats will be required, but I could be wrong. Either way, after this task is done, I’ll be able to move the appliances into Jacobhouse**.
*Padre was kind enough to come and hold the ladder for me whilst I was in this somewhat precarious position. He also pushed on me when I requested so I would have enough force to drill the required holes.
**The only difficulties I foresee in this lattermost regard is the refrigerator stub-up in the back right corner of the kitchen. It might be in my way. If it is, I will simply cut out the valve and reposition a new (and smaller) one closer to the postern steel wall.