Building Summary: I worked on Jacobhouse both in the morning and afternoon today, so I’ll split the following section accordingly.
(Morning): Started off by cutting, sanding, and gluing/assembling some ½” CPVC-to-brass fittings*. After the pipe work, I set about fastening down the entire bathroom floor. I successfully did so before concluding for the morning.
(Afternoon): Farm activities ended early today, so Padre and Wag were able to help me bring a couple sheets of ½” plywood out to Jacobhouse. Afterward, I measured the dimensions for the kitchen’s east wall, and with Padre’s help, commenced to mark and cut the required length and width. We also determined the appropriate sizes for the bathroom vent’s opening and the refrigerator outlet opening and [jig]sawed them out. After Padre went home for a quick break, I brought the doctored board inside and attached it to the intended surface.
Commentary: It was another sore-thumb day at Jacobhouse, but the appendage is healing, and I noticed quite a difference in productivity. As for highlights, I think it would be safe to say that the ultimate point for today was the placement of the first piece of wall plywood. Not only is it satisfying to see an actual solid barrier, the additional activity occurred at a time when I ordinarily don’t even get to work on the container home**.

I should also note that I saw the Carolina Wren again today. (It’s mostly been hiding in the nest, as of late… likely incubating its future spawnlings.) Nine days have passed since I first saw the bird’s little speckled eggs, so according to the numbers stated previously (9-12 days), we are now in hatching range.
Final Note: Tomorrow, I’ll add a bit more fastening to the plywood wall and then neaten up Jacobhouse. Cupboard work shall begin afterward (finally!). I look forward to seeing how they come together, but not as much as I look forward to seeing how they mount onto the container’s wall. It’s all going to be interesting.
*Now, I’ll be able to perform a complete waterline test tomorrow morning.
** Afternoons are typically devoted to farm work.