Building Summary: Today I started off by measuring and cutting three lengths of 2×4 along with a small piece of ¾” plywood to begin the process of fashioning a mini-floor for the closet between the bathroom and kitchen. In the middle of this process, Padre revealed that he had enough time to go to Sparr Farm Supply, and so we went. There was some waiting shenanigans and some inefficiency in regard to front counter today, but we got out of there with almost everything we needed and then some. Now I have plenty of 1-5/8” screws to fasten down the remaining bit of floor plywood and for the soon-to-be covered walls.
Commentary: This morning was a tad broken up, and as stated in the summary, there was a bit of a wait at Sparr due to some computer problems. Progress was still made, though, and despite the supply store being somewhat of a speed bump, there was a highlight to be found there.
That highlight came in the form of a man selling watermelons. We got two of them, one seeded and one seedless, and the latter we placed in the freezer at ‘old-house’ before returning to the farm. Then, after the morning’s activities had been completed, Padre cut the mighty fruit to serve with lunch. It was a perfect specimen, or as close to perfect as watermelon can get. The taste was sweet and refreshing. The texture possessed just the right amount of firmness and an ever-so-slight crunch (not the crunch of rind, either, this was the crunch of a perfectly ripe fruit). It was a superb start the melon season.

Don’t let the temperatures fool you, though. Sunflowers and watermelon are sure indicators of summer.
Final Note: Tomorrow, I will begin with the simple task of fastening in the small-frame I made today and then cutting an appropriate hole* into the ¾” piece of closet floor before fastening it. Then, I will be able to actually do what I detailed in yesterday’s final note; that is, secure the bathroom’s plywood base.
*This hole is for the bathroom’s one-way vent pipe.