The outlet box for the bar area of Jacob`s container home.

Wiring Jacobhouse, Day 9.


The hot-water heater junction box in Jacob's container home.
The hot-water heater junction box. Padre joined and taped all the wires.

Building Summary: Today Padre and I both contributed time to Jacobhouse. While he worked on the wiring for the hot-water heater*, I ran a length of cable from the panel box to the south counter area (the bar I’ll end up eating at), mounted the receptacle box, and cut / glued the piece of conduit that brings the Romex up from the floor to that box. With all the ‘cross-wires’ now in place, I will be able to order plywood for the floor very soon.

Commentary: Jacobhouse has come a long way in a week. When Padre and I departed around 11:30 AM this morning, we both were amazed at the fact that just a hair over a week ago, there was not a single strand of wire on the premises. Now, all the wiring is neatly in place, as are almost all the electrical boxes. It will soon be time to install the actual switches and receptacles.

I don’t think I can say that any one event this morning outshone the others. It was all enjoyable, productive**, and peaceful. There was one portion, though, that I think I should mention. Breakfast. It consisted of a visit to one of the farm’s many mulberry trees. Providentially, the tree I chose had not yet been located by the cedar waxwings or cowbirds. This means that the berries I found were whole and unblemished by bird droppings. To add to that, there were a plentitude of rich purple fruit ready for the eating. There’s nothing quite like a farm-fresh mulberry on a dewy spring morning.

Mulberries found just south of Jacob's container home.
A berry good breakfast.

Final Note: There will be much more to do in Jacobhouse after Monday when Madre and I return from the town supply run, and when the cabinets come in that afternoon. Tomorrow, though, I still have some various little activities I can tend to, including wiring the porch light, adding hose pieces to the Romex wire where it leaves the ‘under-floor’ and bends into the utility area, and stripping the cable that I ran today so it’s prepared for outlet installation.

Additional Note: The FedEx business grant contest is still going for two more days! If you have the time, vote for Master Blend here. I really appreciate it.

* Stripping the braided copper wires, joining them, and taping them with electrical tape and stretch-tape (self-fusing tape). This was followed by his mounting the box extender.

** Especially so with the help of Padre.