(Above: The hole through which this pipe passes was made at the expense of a drill that Madre purchased at Harbor Freight a long while back. As the hole-saw bit dug in, I saw smoke. I thought this was at first because of the bit frictioning against the wood, because it was a tad dull. However, I soon realized that the smoke was billowing out of the motor. I did not think that to be normal, so I proceeded with a different tool. As can be seen, success resulted.)

Summary: Today began with calisthenics, piano practice, a few house-neatening tasks, and writing. This was followed by a beef pasture inspection with Padre*. All the cattle appeared to be faring quite well, so I next returned to Jacobhouse where I wrote for 2.5 hours and read the Principles of Advertising textbook for about 35 minutes. Morning activities ended with lunch at 12:30 PM. The midday meal consisted of baked potatoes and a fresh spinach salad.
(7:09 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with more PoA reading, taking a quiz, and watching the upcoming week’s lecture. I also took a brief rest. All of this was ensued by my venturing out to help Madre with her office project, and later (around 5:15 PM), to help Padre with the final beef pasture inspection**. On returning indoors, I fed Doug, started a couple sourdough experiments, and prepared a Picanha roast for dinner. Now, as the oven preheats, I am completing this day’s entry.
Final Note: Dinner this evening will consist of Angus Picanha, a springmix salad, and possibly some chocolate ice cream. Leisure shall follow.
*His Segway was malfunctioning, so it was a ‘ride & walk’.
** We walked on account of impending precipitation – rain that provided me with a refreshing shower when it arrived.