9/14/2020 – Pipework in the Madre-Office.


(Above: The shower’s P-trap has been measured and dry-fitted as well as the sink drain and toilet ‘sanitary’ T.)

Summary: Today began with calisthenics and piano practice. This was followed by a beef pasture check and the filling of 6 Moo-Magic bags. Padre helped me move the bags down to the compost stand via loader, and next we inspected and diagnosed a malfunctioning Segway (it was not charging). We soon determined that it needed a new charger, and thus, I spent about 1.25 hours taking it apart, finding pieces off of previously utilized Segways, and piecing it back together.

At 10 AM, I had returned to Jacobhouse and was writing – an activity that lasted for about 2 hours. Lunch occurred at 12:35 PM and consisted of a baked potato and greens.

(7:45 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with school reading and rest. I next ventured outdoors at 3:07 PM to help Madre in her container dwelling. By 6:00 PM, we had been able to complete a decent amount of plumbing-planning and dry-fitting, and it was at that point I returned outdoors. After answering a few beef-related questions from my cousin, Dana, I performed the day’s final beef pasture inspection with Padre. The last and unfortunate farm-related task for the evening consisted of IV’ing an ailing calf.

Final Note: In an attempt to retain a somewhat normal leisure-schedule this evening, I am hurriedly putting together today’s entry before cooking a dinner of pan-fried tortilla shells and grilled Wagyu cubed steak.