(Above: A sample of the final beef pasture inspection for the day.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, piano practice, and house-neatening tasks. At 7:25 AM, I ventured outdoors to help IV a calf and complete the first pasture inspection of the day, and by 9:00 AM, I had returned indoors and was writing. Writing lasted for over two hours, after which I visited Padre at the studio and made lunch. The midday meal occurred at 1:00 PM and consisted of sirloin tip steaks, springmix salad, and watermelon.
(6:59 PM Update:) This afternoon was initiated with some Principles of Advertising class work, the successful summoning of a maintenance-person to tend the Magic Chef washer/dryer, and a brief repose. I next ventured outdoors to help with a variety of farm-related tasks, including: catching a couple cows*, making up two more IV bottles to give an ailing calf, walking out to help IV that calf just before it rained, running back to freezer room in the rain to tend to some customers, checking cows in the barn as the rampant precipitation continued, and walking out to the pasture with Padre to perform the day’s final inspection**.
An hour-long slog through puddles, wet grass, and mud was followed by my return to Jacobhouse. There, while I was making cornbread, an extremely close lightning strike occurred. It damaged nothing within my abode, but it appears to have knocked Padre’s security camera out of commission as well as a well-pump and Wag’s ill-fated DSL.
Final Note: After concluding this entry, I intend to work on the Master Blend site and bring some cornbread over to the studio for dinner.
*One for a foot rot treatment and the other because she – being the special animal that she is – keeps breaking out of her pen.
**We also had to find the mother of a premature calf so that we could coordinate with Wag where to relay the calf to us (east or west field).