8/30/2020 – Vanilla custard ice-cream.


(Above: Churning the custard ice-cream. There was a taste test. Perhaps more than one.)

Summary: Today began with calisthenics, piano practice, and writing. This was ensued by a walk* around the beef pasture with Padre. It was a thankfully uneventful and actually quite enjoyable exercise, after which I returned to Jacobhouse and commenced with the daily writing. I performed this lattermost task with minimal interruptions until about 11:30 AM which is when I took a pre-lunch reprieve. Unfortunately, when I attempted to make an order to Sushi Bistro at 12 PM, it would not go through (there is a different menu on Sunday), so I instead quickly made lunch. This included cooking rice-noodle linguine, manufacturing a makeshift spicy terrayaki dressing, and frying three scrambled eggs—all of which were placed into one pot to make egg-teriyaki noodles. I also produced a quick-baked-potato for Padre which consisted of microwaving a russet potato, coating it with olive oil & salt, and broiling it for 12-15 minutes. The midday meal occurred at 12:45 PM.

(6:43 PM Update:) Afternoon activities were initiated with writing a portion of this entry and leisure. At 3 PM, I ventured outdoors to help with numerous bovine-related tasks, including: moving feed buckets, cleaning out troughs near Jacobhouse, catching three cows – one of which was a pain in the bollocks – for embryo transfer & breeding, checking the barn for ailing animals, cleaning out another feed trough & refilling it via bucket, and transporting the premature (now growing) calf out of the air-conditioned office back to its mother. To conclude farm-time for the day, I walked through the Holstein and beef pastures with Padre.

Final Note: Right now, I am pleased to say that I am sitting in the Jacobhouse office typing up this entry while listening to MacDowell’s “To a Wild Rose”. In the background, vanilla custard ice-cream is being churned**.

*We walked today instead of riding Segways on account of the moist weather.

** I intended to make it last night, but the custard was still too warm to do so.

1 thought on “8/30/2020 – Vanilla custard ice-cream.”

  1. Great food these last couple of days, listened to the music mentioned, it’s excellent background to read by.

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