(Above: I found these snail eggs on the sliding glass doors at the east end of Jacobhouse. At least, I’m fairly sure they are snail eggs. Shortly before I took this picture, there was a molluskan trail leading to and from them.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, piano practice, a few tasks around the Jacobhouse, and beef pasture inspection with Padre. This was followed by my return to the indoors and writing for about 3 hours, with the only break consisting of the 15-minutes for making masa (tortilla) dough. At 12:00 PM, I prepared corn tortillas for lunch which consisted of smashing them flat with a press and cooking them for 2.5 minutes on a high-heat cast iron skillet*. The midday meal occurred at 12:35 PM and consisted of cubed-steak** tacos and watermelon.
(5:48 PM Update:) Afternoon activities were initiated with leisure and Master Blend inventory chart work. This was ensued by outdoor tasks, including: washing a manure-coated payloader bucket, checking bovines for ailments in the field, taking a brief seltzer break, and checking for ailing animals in the barn (found one with pinkeye, so we treated it). To conclude outdoor activities, I cut down some low-hanging limbs & planted some signs to indicate the Master Blend parking area, and I walked with Padre to observe the Holstein Heifer herd.
Final Note: This evening’s remaining tasks will likely include another beef herd inspection, cooking something for dinner, and leisure.
*1 minute per side and then 30 second on the original side.
** Padre-made.