(Above: I procured two watermelons at Winn Dixie. One was excellent, and one was a lemon-melon; the latter was either kept at too cold of a temperature or picked too early.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, piano practice, minor maintenance tasks, and a beef pasture inspection with Padre. On returning to Jacobhouse, I hung up clothes to dry and wrote for 2.5 hours. This was followed by my placing potatoes in the oven at 11:10 AM and then by my visiting Padre at the studio for about an hour. Lunch occurred at 12:30 PM and consisted of baked potatoes, leftover smoked ribs, an impromptu onion / summer spinach / Jewels of Opar salad, and a small bowl of exceptionally sweet Madre-grown pineapple.
I did not take pictures of today’s lunch, but here are a couple images of last night’s meal.
(5:24 PM Update:) This afternoon was initiated with Master Blend bookkeeping, website work, and a rest within the Jacobhouse bed. I next ventured outdoors into the late-August heat which was soon filled simultaneously with late-August afternoon rainfall. The precipitation, though falling quite vigorously, lasted only a brief fifteen minutes or so. Afterward, Padre and I had to endure the sun emerging from the clouds and creating an environment almost aqueous with steam. Farm tasks today consisted of catching eight cows for vaccination / embryo transfer / and pregnancy palpation, capturing a calf with a bad eye for treatment*, checking for ailing creatures in the beef pasture, and shoveling / pitch-forking feed. We took a couple seltzer breaks throughout all this, and at the end, I returned to Jacobhouse where I worked some more on the Master Blend website before tending to this day’s entry.

Final Note: The remaining activities for this day include: a beef pasture inspection with Padre, producing something ** for dinner, and leisure. (8:57 PM Update:) It should be noted that I also took a quick trip to Winn Dixie where I procured vegetation, watermelon, and some cooking supplies. Despite going to the store, I made something unique for dinner: homemade corn tortillas topped with cheddar and some of the leftover onion salad from earlier.
*Injecting a mixture of antibiotic & steroid beneath the irritated eye-flap via needle.
**I’m not sure what I am going to make; supplies are growing scarce, but that is often when the most interesting of cooking occurs.
May sound cliche, but creativity is the great chef’s secret ingredient