The song that plays in the background is “The Golden Hour” by Louie Zong. It just happened to come on as I recorded this video.
Summary: This day began with calisthenics, piano practice, calisthenics, and Jacobhouse cleaning. A beef pasture inspection was ensued by some garden neatening – namely removing the tomato-plant mess – and then by the remainder of house cleaning. At 9:30 AM, I began to write, and at 9:45 AM I was interrupted by a barrage of telephone calls and texts*. The remainder of the morning was spent tending to Master Blend customers, venturing in to see the new butcher, and procuring sushi for lunch. The lattermost resulted in an excellent midday meal which occurred at 1 PM; it consisted of sushi, onion soup, and cucumber salad.
(7:42 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with 1.25 hours of writing and a 23 minute repose. This was followed by my venturing outdoors to aid with cattle-related tasks, of which there were many. We started off by capturing the mother of an ailing calf, bailing wet feed out of troughs via bucket, retrieving the ailing calf from the beef pasture via wheelbarrow, and IV’ing that ailing calf. Next, Padre, Madre, and myself sorted weanlings**. This was followed by my breaking up some gluey feed via pitch-fork, Master Blend correspondence, and a beef pasture inspection with Padre. By the time we finished all that, the calf which we had retrieved from the field, IV’ed, and captured/fed/watered the mother cow for, was dead.
Final Note: After completing this entry and filling out some Master Blend bookwork, I intend to take some leisure time. Due to a combination of this post’s title piece and the day’s events, I have come to a decision that, if I still have the sense/nerve to do so, shall discuss on the morrow.
*Result of my phone not working/connecting to service for 16 hours.
** Keeping small weaners in one field while sending larger weaners to a larger pasture.