

(Above: Even on the hottest of days, Jacobhouse remains cool via a small 8,000 BTU Air-conditioner and 3″ thick foam insulation on top, bottom, and sides.)

Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a beef pasture inspection with Padre, and a small breakfast of watermelon. This was ensued by over 2 hours of writing and then by leisure. At 11:30 AM, I prepared and pan-seared two Master Blend cubed steaks, and at 12:00 PM we ate a lunch of the aforementioned beef, green-mix salad, and more watermelon.

(4:29 PM Update:) Afternoon activities were initiated with leisure, and this was followed by my venturing into the somewhat stifling outdoors where I helped with a small number of farm-related tasks, including: checking young bovines for ailments, moving feed buckets / closing gates, pitch-forking feed, and checking the barn once more (this time for young bulls in need of banding*). Padre and I next took a short seltzer break before returning indoors.

Final Note: To conclude this day, I will be performing one final beef pasture inspection with Padre, consuming a dinner of baked potato, greens, & watermelon, and enjoying some leisure before bed.

Here is a brief video I captured while exiting Jacobhouse to participate in the evening’s beef pasture inspection:

*Castration via rubber-band. A barbaric, yet very effective means.