Segway perimeter (& salsify mashed potatoes).


(Above: A perimeter comprised of Segways and flagging tape. It worked quite well to keep the curious cattle away as we IV’ed the ailing calf.)

Active Summary:  Today began with writing, calisthenics, and a beef pasture check with Padre. This was followed by my helping IV a sick calf and getting a bit of that calf’s watery fecal material flicked across my shirt and neck via its flailing tail. Instead of venturing indoors straight away to change my clothes and take a shower, I tended to garden #1 – something that included weeding, trimming back the tomato bushes that were beginning to drape over the west-central row*, and pulling up some salsifies in danger of root-rot. After this, I cleaned the salsify roots, seasoned them with olive oil and salt alongside some baking potatoes, and placed those root vegetables into the oven as I wrote for about 45 minutes. To conclude the morning activities, I inspected the Seltzerator which was not allowing any water to come out **, made an 8×8″ casserole dish full of mashed potatoes & salsify topped with green onion, and I cooked up a couple large Master Blend burger-steaks. Lunch was quite delicious.

(7:15 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with more writing, tending to a Master Blend customer, and taking a rest in Jacobhouse as rain fell intermittently outside. I next ventured outdoors where I helped a beef customer before aiding in farm tasks, the latter of which included: capturing a few bovines for embryo transfer, checking the barn for ailing calves, helping IV another sick Wagyu calf, and after a seltzer break***, checking the beef pasture one final time. To conclude the afternoon, I worked on inventory in the freezer room, and I rode with Padre in an attempt to find a watermelon or two. Alas, we were unsuccessful. It will only make the next melons taste sweeter.

Bovines enjoying the so-called ‘Hill Lot’.
Within a few days, the vegetation will be moo-wed back to a reasonable level.

Final Note: As soon as I have pictures uploaded and this entry submitted, I shall be able to engage in an evening of leisure. I have been looking forward to this all day.

*This is where the Jewels of Opar are growing.

**A CO2 line partially blocked by ice .

*** I thawed the seltzerator out, and it is now working again.