(Above: Despite having donned the dung-mantle of disrepute, this milk-thieving calf does not seem perturbed in the slightest.)
Active Summary: This morning began with calisthenics, writing, and a beef pasture check with Padre. Unfortunately, during our pasture check we found a cow that was experiencing calving difficulties, and we had to run her up to the barn with Wag’s help. The little one did not make it, but the cow is now fine.
All of this was followed by over an hour’s worth of writing and then by my tending to a couple Master Blend customers. They bought quite a bit of beef, and after I marked off the inventory, I retrieved green frog-tape from Jacobhouse and placed some around the three locations where I soon intend to prime / paint: the northeast doors, the eastern indoor window, and the south window. To conclude the morning, I visited Padre in his studio for a little while before venturing to Aneta’s Bistro to pick up a delicious lunch of cabbage salad, hunter stew / blood sausage sandwich, and Hungarian goulash.
(7:58 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with my cutting up a large watermelon, performing a little bit of writing, taking a brief rest, and then by my venturing outdoors to help with cattle-related activities (feeding bovines, checking them for ailments, and pitch-forking feed). This was ensued by my filling 12 Moo-Magic bags and Padre aiding me in moving them down to the compost stand by the road. I next took a short break where I watched a video about the different butcher-cuts one can procure from a steer and then returned outdoors where I checked the beef pasture with Padre before painting for a little while in the freezer room. To conclude outdoor activities, I spent about 15 minutes neatening garden #2 and pulling up weeds around Jacobhouse.
Final Note: After posting this entry, I will be eating a dinner of leftover Aneta’s blood-sausage sandwich, cabbage salad, and watermelon. The only thing I have planned for tomorrow thus far is cooking something delicious for Madre. I think I’ll give her a choice between a chocolate-based dessert or bread.
Garden looking good.