Even more website work (and a ladybug).


(Above: A lady bug perched on my finger.)

Active Summary: This morning began with the daily regimen of calisthenics, writing, and a beef pasture check with Padre. Following these activities were: more writing, a visit to the Studio, working on the Master Blend beef website, cooking some garlic/ginger sauce for Madre’s noodles, and grilling chuck steak* & corn for lunch.

(7:56 PM Update:) Afternoon activities consisted of more work on the Master Blend website**, a brief bout of rest, cattle-related activities (feeding / catching bovines, vaccinating calves, and performing a herd health check), and even more website work. A Segway ride around the beef pasture with Padre ensued, and now I am making some finalizations to the temporary website changes before cooking up an omelet for dinner.

Final Note: Over the next few days, I intend to continue pursuing a way of improving the web-shopping experience for Master Blend. Also, I am going to look into converting a mini chest freezer into a chest refrigerator. It seems to be an even better solution for storing seltzer kegs than a mini-fridge.

*I cooked it from completely frozen by grilling it on the first side (high heat) for 3.5 minutes, the second side (high heat) for 2.5 minutes, and then sliding it into a preheated 300 F oven for 10 minutes. I turned the oven off as soon as I put the beef in so only the residual heat would cook it.

** WIX’s website builder moves incredibly slow. Working on masterblendbeef.com is akin to walking through a mire up to the waist.