Website work (and coconut ice cream).


(Above: A lunch of grilled sirloin, baked potato, and cucumber salad. The latter-most is somewhere in the background.)

Active Summary: Today began with calisthenic exercises, a beef pasture check where Padre and I unsuccessfully attempted to walk up a heifer who was having calving difficulties*, and about 1.5 hours worth of writing. This was ensued by some Master Blend website work (attempting to find a way to easily integrate inventory into the online store) and then by a trip down to the Harbison farm market. After procuring the weekly produce, I returned home, washed/put the vegetation away, and prepared lunch. Before eating lunch, I also tended to two Master Blend drive-in customers.

(5:55 PM Update:) Afternoon activities thus far have included more Master Blend website work and farm tasks (feeding bovines, checking calves, pitch-forking feed, and etc.). Now I am about to conclude an hour-long break. The power has just gone out.

Final Update (7:33 PM): Now that the duskly ride around the beef pasture has been completed and the electric has come back on ahead of schedule**, I plan on making something sweet – some coconut ice cream perhaps – and enjoying it with some fruit over at the studio.

* She ended up calving on her own, and the calf has already gained its feet and nursed.

** 9:30 PM was the originally scheduled time for reconnected power.