A table full of cabbage-cutting implements and already-cut cabbage.



(Above: A table full of cabbage-cutting implements and already-cut cabbage.)

Active Summary: Today began with calisthenics, writing, and a beef pasture check with Padre. On returning to Jacobhouse, I wrote for about 40 more minutes before it was time to tend to multiple kitchen-related activities. Firstly, I thinly sliced / kneaded / dressed two enormous cabbages to make another 10+ lb. cabbage salad. Next, I took about ¼ of a cabbage seasoned with 2% of its weight in salt, and then kneaded it until it was limp and very juicy – a mixture that I proceeded to place in a jar with the lid slightly askew*. After that I tended to Doug, the sourdough starter, before salting a few pieces of beef for lunch.

Cleaning ensued. I first had to tend to the cabbage-mess that had scattered itself about the kitchen, and then I performed the weekly Jacobhouse cleaning. To finish off the morning, I cooked up a lunch of baked potatoes and grilled round-steak & picanha. It was plenty of food – especially with the salad that Padre made – and it was delicious.

(8:03 PM Update:) Post-lunch activities included more writing-time, a 22 minute repose, and meeting a Master Blend customer for a small sale. I next helped with cattle-related tasks (feeding / catching / vaccinating / checking health), tending to the two Master Blend customers that visited amidst it all. To finish off the afternoon, I put up the new Master Blend banner (and Open/Closed) sign, and I performed a beef pasture patrol with Padre.

Final Note: Tomorrow is Saturday morning, so I am not certain what will occur. I am, however, looking forward to is venturing into Aneta’s Bistro and picking up a lunch of slow-roasted ham hocks and pork shoulder.  

*It will become sauerkraut over the next couple weeks.