(Above: Tomato transplants in garden #2. They have yellowed significantly over the past few days. It seems that they do not enjoy the sun’s direct light. They’ll get over it, though.)
Active Summary: This morning began with calisthenic exercises, writing, and a journey through the beef pasture with Padre. Afterward, I helped catch a cow for some more calf/cow shenanigans (the calf actually drank today). I next set about transplanting the tomato plants Brimage brought us 3 days ago – a task that consisted of: placing/neatening 8 compost bags into their proper positions, watering each bag, de-potting/separating the tomato root-balls, planting, and turning on the sprinkler.
I then returned to Jacobhouse where I wrote for a while before venturing back outside where I turned off the sprinkler, visited the Master Blend freezer room for a brief time, and then returned to my abode where I partook of about 1 hour’s leisure. For lunch, Madre drove me into Aneta’s Bistro where we procured 4 different times of soup, 4 containers of cabbage salad, and a Hungrarian goulash. It was all tremendous.
(4:05 PM Update:) This afternoon thus far has consisted of little bit of container log writing, a couple chores, a 22 minute rest, and an early-yet-brief afternoon on the farm. Now, I am going to engage in some leisure-time which will likely consist of some piano-playing and online games.
(8:42 PM Update:) Late afternoon activities included: a beef pasture check, some calf-on-cow training (same as described yesterday), and cantaloupe cutting.
Final Note: Over the next few days, I intend to trim the Master Blend freezer room’s south window, make cages for the tomato plants, and possibly set up a day-office area at the freezer room*. Tomorrow, however, the primary task shall be visiting the farm market.
*With my phone being a hotspot, I can easily get internet into the room, and with a unused stool from Padre’s studio, I will have all the materials needed to set up a small office where I can write and work on school whilst waiting for customers.