(Above: Sunlight invading Jacobhouse at 5:56 PM.)
Active Summary: Today I woke up, performed calisthenic exercises, wrote for a while, and then checked the beef herd with Padre. This was followed by a return to Jacobhouse where I wrote for about one hour more as both gardens were watered. I ventured back outdoors afterward whereupon I weeded around the bags/buckets of garden #2 before heading down to the Harbison Farm Market. There, I procured the weekly produce and vegetables before returning home and putting them away / preparing lunch*. Presently, I am writing this update as a couple potatoes cook.
(5:07 PM Update:) Afternoon activities consisted of working on a UF admissions application, about an hour of leisure-time, and then by my tending to a variety of cattle-related activities, including: helping feed & catch a couple bovines, checking the field for ailing calves, and pitch-forking feed. I next sealed a couple mouse holes in the freezer room with steel wool and aluminum caulking**. Now I’m clean and cooling off in Jacobhouse.
(8:12 PM Update:) I have returned from the nightly beef check with Padre. At the end we needed to IV another calf, but aside from that it was a fairly positive ride. Now I am finishing up this entry as one of the most unique frittatas I have ever cooked bakes in the oven. It has: sautéed onion / garlic, salmon, tuna, and the base for the frittata is comprised of egg / a small amount of mozzarella / avacado. Here is a picture:

Final Note: Soon, I will be working on a window for the south side of the freezer room, but tomorrow morning I should probably work on my Macroeconomics class.
*This consisted of shucking / seasoning a couple cobs of corn, preparing a marinade / dip for a round steak consisting of olive oil, salt, coconut sugar, Worcestershire sauce, garlic, & ginger, dunking a couple potatoes in that marinade & placing them in the oven, and washing some fresh grapes procured from the farm market.
** I had to clean up around the doors beforehand. First I attempted to utilize an ancient Shopvac, but when I turned it on, it sprayed me with water (from who knows how long ago) and created an eruption of dirt and dust the likes of which I never hope to see indoors ever again.