(Above: Lunch at the studio. Main course: a sweet potato wallowing in sour cream alongside a fresh garden salad.)
Active Summary: Today I rose from bed, reluctantly performed calisthenic exercises, wrote for 30 minutes, and then made my way outdoors where I completed the day’s first beef herd health checkup with Padre. This was ensued by a return to Jacobhouse where I wrote for a while longer and then worked on school until about 10:00 AM. Madre contacted me around that time to acquire some aid in cutting a hole into her Workshop for the dryer vent. Padre and I helped her with this, and it took about 45 minutes to go from ‘untapped wall’ to ‘hooked-up & functioning dryer’.
The morning’s final activities consisted of venturing to Oldhouse, procuring ingredients and a pot for some stew, and then returning to Jacobhouse where I prepared that stew. I tossed a number of leftovers into it (beef / mashed potatoes / leftover soup), but also added fresh corn, onion, shallot, chicken broth, and dumplings comprised of 320g sourdough starter. Our first lunch at the Studio was excellent.
(7:32 PM Update:) This afternoon’s activities began with helping Madre rearrange some furniture in her workshop and was then followed by myriad cattle-related activities, including: feeding bovines, moving bovines from a small lot – some to send to the main herd and a few to send to market, and performing a herd-health checkup with Padre. After all that was complete, I had 30 minutes remaining until my 7:00 cutoff point*, so I used that time to fill 12 more bags for the bag/bucket garden. Now I’m typing out this entry with the sliding door open just beside me. I hear crickets.
TIL: Today in Macroeconomics, I learned about how expectations influence the economy. For example, when people expect the economy to perform more adequately in the future, they will temporarily reduce spending so as to save money for those better times. This, in turn, causes suppliers to reduce prices to entice more buyers who then do buy the reduced-price items in a rush, creating a miniature economic boom. Alternatively, when people believe the economy is going to perform worse in the future, they will temporarily increase spending to ‘buy while the buying is still good’. Dwindling supplies and increased demand make prices inflate to such a point that will only worsen the aforeseen hard times.
The reason I bring this up, is because at lunch, Padre was making quite a good point about ordering cattle medications before the currently rampant corona virus causes shipping costs to increase, or worse, causes shipping delays. It was only after agreeing to this point that I realized that we may be entering into the latter situation mentioned above.
Commentary: Though I am not a fan of the time changing twice a year, I will admit that I have already become accustomed to yesterday’s spring forward. The only point today where I could truly feel the temporal disparity was in the abovementioned ‘reluctant calisthenic exercises’. For some reason, my body is not a fan of rising from bed in utter darkness and then getting up and down off the floor seventy-five times.
Here are more pictures of today’s repast at the studio:
Final Note: Tomorrow appears to be a somewhat normal day with the only scheduled morning activity being Macroeconomics work. I think I will also be ordering some seeds from Southern Exposure Seed Exchange for the bag/bucket garden.
*I have given myself a cutoff point since the time change because it becomes dark around 8:00 PM now, and if I stayed outside till it was dark, I probably would not get to sleep until midnight.
1st lunch indeed excellent, I have a similar experience with the morning floor related activities in the dark