Keep at it.


(Above: It was cool out today, and it is threatening a freeze tonight, but the hackberry trees apparently believe that it is Spring.)

Active Summary: Today I woke up, performed calisthenics, checked beef cows with Padre, and revised for about an hour and a half. This was followed by my riding down to Sparr Farm Supply with Padre and Wag and procuring PVC pieces for the drain. Lunch vegetation was collected soon after our return, and then the meal ensued.

After lunch, I worked on putting together the drain in Madre’s workshop and then helped Padre set up the sink, preparation table, and snack-oven within his abode. I returned to the workshop for a short time after this but then decided it was time for a rest. After a 20 minute repose, I ventured back outdoors where I helped with myriad farm activities.

The cows were all acting up today (very flighty) and had broken a large and integral post in the main barn. My primary task was to clear away / dig beside it until we could wrap logging chain around it and pull the thing out with the loader. Seeing as Quick-crete had been poured around it, the task was not the easiest. It was eventually completed, though, along with other cattle-related tasks. Afterward, I visited Madre’s workshop and glued most of the drain together. I ended up re-routing it from below the water heater to above, because Madre pointed out that the lower route was forcing the drain pipe to have a slight incline.

TIL: I learned a lot today, but it was the sort of learning that cannot truly be learned through text. I suppose a good example would be when I was extricating a large post which was lodged almost 4 feet deep and surrounded by a mixture of concrete, tile, and Quick-crete. I won’t go into the specifics of how to search for / leverage out chunks of tile with the cheater-bar, nor shall I explain how to utilize post-hole diggers as a claw to withdraw especially large chunks of ancient concrete, but I will state my primary strategy: Simply keep at it. When a problem exists, simply keep at it, and it will resolve. It’s a glorious sensation when that post begins to wobble.

Commentary:  Not much commentary today. It is 8:10 PM, and I still have yet to go up and eat dinner. So, I am going to go do that and possibly include some pictures when I return. (10:28 PM Update:) Just returned from delicious meal of beef & cabbage stew. I also made some coleslaw for lunch tomorrow. Ingredients: 3/4 head cabbage sliced thin, 1/2 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup red wine vinegar, 1/4 cup white vinegar, 2 tsp salt, 2 tsp sugar, 1-1/2 tsp garlic powder, and a whole lot of freshly ground black pepper. The taste was already superb, but it’s going to get even better overnight.

Beef and cabbage stew topped with fresh arugula.

Bonus video: This video was taken yesterday. We were on foot (not on Segway) because rainy weather is not beneficial for my old machine’s electronic components.

Final Note: Tomorrow I have quite a number of tasks planned: revising, macroeconomics exam, cleaning Jacobhouse, finishing up the drain system in Madre’s workshop, and whatever farm activities there are.

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