Another picture of glued together CPVC piping in Jacob's container home.

Orange Glue, Day 2.


Building Summary: Today I glued together the last CPVC connection in the bathroom and moved on to the kitchen area. In the kitchen, I glued (scraped, sanded, wiped, and applied solvent to) all the way up to the Tee-connection that joins the solar hot water line with the line that will hook up to the electric hot water heater.

Commentary: I’m writing quite late today, and I’ve yet to eat dinner, so I must keep this post somewhat brief. This morning’s highlight came after a spot of difficulty. It occurred when I was connecting the refrigerator stub-up to the main cold water line. There was not enough space for the stub to stick up straight, and by the time I discovered that, the glue had already set. So, I cut the small pipe extending from the stub to the main line, used the drill and hacksaw to cut out a chunk of ‘in-the-way’ wood, and then ‘coupled’ the cut mini-pipe back together. It was a successful fix, and now the refrigerator stub up is nice and straight. 

Tomorrow, I think I’ll be able to finish gluing all the way up to the entry joints / valves.