Brushed orange.

A new color for the freezer room.


(Above: Brushed orange – a new color for the walls of the Master Blend freezer room. I was originally going to go with ‘carrot cake’, but the lady at Lowe’s told me it was too dark. She then went on to say, “A proper rule of thumb when it comes to paint cards is to always choose a shade lighter than you originally would have, because paint always looks darker on the wall than it does on the card.”)

Active Summary: This morning began with an hour and ten minute’s worth of creative writing and was ensued by a pleasant ride around the beef pasture. After that, I returned to Jacobhouse, got cleaned up, and ventured to Ocala with Madre. We visited three stores and one restaurant in town: Home Depot, Lowe’s, Publix, and Ninja Sushi. At the former two, I helped Madre procure various container-project related materials and paint for the Master Blend freezer room, and at the latter two, we obtained food both for today’s lunch and for various culinary endeavors that are to take place within the next week.

(6:05 PM Update:) Afternoon activities consisted primarily of cattle-related duties, including: feeding cows, weaning/vaccinating calves, feeding calves, and adding the weaned calves to the lot near Jacobhouse (new neighbors). Afterward, I checked the beefers with Padre and now I am back at Jacobhouse, typing in the remainder of this entry as it rains quite a lot outside.

TIL: Today I learned about the effects of various colors on food sales and applied that newfound knowledge to my selection of paint for the Master Blend freezer room… but first here is a little bit of information about what I discovered in regard to colors:

  • Yellow and red are considered the most appetizing hues, with yellow being associated with ripened fruit and red being associated with ‘meat’ or ‘passion’.
  • Orange is a combination of the two former colors into what is supposedly recognized as ‘the most appetizing color’.
  • Green is, of course, utilized to represent freshness and organic origins.
  • Blue is a cool color that helps with refreshment sales, but does very little for anything else.
  • Pink is proper color for advertising sweets and baked goods.
  • Purple, maroon, and brown are all dark colors that are often utilized to convey complex and/or rich flavors.  

Utilizing this information and some input from the paint lady at Lowe’s, I decided on a medium ‘brushed-orange’. This will make for a suitably appetizing wall color. Meanwhile, to inspire a slightly more natural / organic feeling, I may paint the doors and any plywood sheets that I utilize to cover up any less-than-sightly regions* a green the same color as Jacobhouse. My hope is that the odd colors will capture visitors’ attention while simultaneously inspiring an appetite.

Commentary: Though the town excursion was somewhat lengthy**, I am glad that we went, for I now have the paint required to coat the inside of the freezer room. Even better, I finally chose a color that I’ve wanted to paint with for quite some time: orange . Jacobhouse was originally going to be a brilliant orange before I decided on the edfice’s current organic green (‘organic garden green‘, to be more specific), but ever since the initial thought of ‘orange – unadulterated, construction-flag orange‘, I’ve been intrigued. Now, I am on the cusp of satisfying that curiosity.

  • The remaining loquat sapling.
  • A rather expensive fridge.
  • Padre atop a little knoll.

Final Note: With the paint having been acquired, it is now time to begin preparing the freezer room for its new coat. Alas, as I am writing this, I have just realized that I will need some paint tape to divide the ceiling from the wall. We did not get any at Lowe’s or Home Depot today, so I may be making an early journey down to Sparr tomorrow morning for a couple or three rolls. Other paint preparations will include: moving the freezers out from the walls, unbolting the old A/C grating from the south side, and laying down drop cloths.

*E.g. the northeast doors.

**This is often the case when Home Depot or Lowe’s is involved. Fortunately, despite Madre and I visiting both stores today, we got home only about thirty minutes after our typical lunch time.