Stubbed up piping for the cold water line in Jacob's container home.

Stubbing up, day 1.


Building Summary: Today I began stubbing up the piping for Jacobhouse’s cold water line. This consisted of measuring and cutting little pieces of pipe, cutting 2″ sections of stiff ol’ garden hose, putting them together, and then fastening everything in place with some ½” U-clamps.

Commentary: This morning, I would say that the greatest highlight was discovering how little material it took to hold a CPVC line in place. I know it seems like it shouldn’t take that much, but after I had attached the main line to the easternmost horizontal support* and the shower’s cold water stub-up to the bathroom’s postern base-board, the entire length of pipe became almost immobile. It became even more sturdy after I fastened in the vertical stub-ups for both the toilet and vanity and battened down the main line right where it passes under the bathroom wall to the kitchen area.

The second highlight I should mention was the process of making those stub ups. It all fit together so perfectly. Firstly, there was the way that the garden hose slipped onto the ½” line. It’s as if it was meant for the task. Then, there was the way that the ‘garden hosed’ line fit into the U-clamps. It took a little bit of pressure to get each stub into the U-clamps, but then they commenced to ‘snap’ into place. A truly snug fit. Also, they looked like mushrooms.

CPVC piping with protective buffer of old garden hose... for a pipe line in container home
CPVC-shrooms. (CPVC piping with a protective buffer of ‘old garden hose’)

Tomorrow, I’ll likely be finishing up with the cold water stub ups and begin with the hot water line.

*This is also the support that holds the easternmost sewer line at the correct slope.

1 thought on “Stubbing up, day 1.”

  1. That old piece of green garden hose has probably been waiting a good ten years to be useful again, now it’s part of you house.

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