Soft shelled crab, salad, and potatoes for lunch.

The ancient trove (and soft-shelled crab).


(Above: Today’s lunch was a combination of breaded soft-shelled crab, mashed potatoes, and salad. It was a delectable meal.)

Active Summary: Today began with creative writing and a beef pasture check which was then followed by grain-room shenanigans. The lattermost task entailed my removing a large amount of silverfish-eaten objects to the outdoors, cleaning out a previously rodent-infested locker, and moving/managing all sorts of old tractor-related paraphernalia to that cleared out locker. Close to the morning’s end, I returned to Jacobhouse to check on the wash (more in TIL) and to finish up my daily creative writing.

(6:38 PM Update:) Performed many farm-related activities this afternoon, including: feeding cattle, vaccinating calves, and checking herd health. This was ensued by a brief time in the grain room and then by an excursion into Jacobhouse where I helped Madre take a few measurements for her own container project.

  • The locker that I cleaned out today.
  • The newly organized locker.
  • A compilation of nuts, bolts, and a bracket.
  • New hardware found whilst tidying up the tool room.
  • New hardware found whilst tidying up the tool room.
  • New hardware found whilst tidying up the tool room.
  • New hardware found whilst tidying up the tool room.
  • New hardware found whilst tidying up the tool room.
  • A newborn wagyu with legs that are still recovering from its time in the womb.

TIL: Today I have been testing out how the washer/dryer combo fares in regard to washing bedding – i.e. the largest loads of cloth that it will ever need to contend with. Thus far, it has washed everything quite well, but the drying is 50/50. Out of the two blankets I have washed thus far, one is completely dry while the other is quite damp. I’ll probably have to end up putting that second one in to dry, or I may hang it over the railing outside. More updates later, most like. (6:38 PM Update:) Just washed the primary comforter by itself, and it came out completely dry. It appears that material weight makes a massive difference when it comes to drying, so next time I will combine my light-weight covers into one load, the single heavy cotton/linen blanket into the next, and the sheets / pillow case with the nightly clothing.

Commentary: This morning I produced an incredible amount of dust in the grain room – a phenomenon caused by my disturbing ancient rodent nests and a ludicrous number of equally prehistoric mud-dobber hives. Fortunately, I still had a dust mask available, and I utilized the article to its fullest potential. Airborne detritus aside, I made plenty of headway, and even better, I discovered a plenitude of new tools – most of which had been hidden beneath the years of accumulated refuse.

For the final bit of commentary, here are some pictures of the arugula row that Padre has taken over the past month:

  • Jacob planting arugula.
  • Arugula stage two.
  • Arugula in the present day.

Final Note: Tomorrow / later today, I intend to continue cleaning out and organizing the tool room. I look forward to being able to venture to one location for all the tools rather than searching in two or three different places every time I need something (only a slight exaggeration).