Primed doors to the Master Blend freezer room.

Painting, spam, and GMP.


(Above: The freshly-coated doors to the Master Blend freezer room.)

Active Summary: Today began with some creative writing and a beef pasture check. This was ensued by a large amount of paint time (at least 2.5 hours) where I finished adding the second layer to the ceiling and gave the front doors their first coat. After that, I ventured to the garden where I weeded all the rows, plucked a few sprouts that were growing back from where I had thinned them, and started up the sprinkler.

(6:54 PM Update:) This afternoon consisted of many cattle activities, and that is about it. The most noteworthy task was helping/watching Padre, Wag, and Charlie* move a couple sizeable Brahman bulls onto a cattle trailer. One of the creatures boarded without too much trouble, but the other decided to hop-over-and-break a fence. We proceeded to patch the fence up, and with a combination of patience, construction tape, and prior training** were able to get him onto the truck. Now, them two big-bollocked bovines are on their way to a breeding bonanza.

TIL: I’ve learned quite a lot over the past day, but not too much that would be in category of ‘general use’. For example, whilst playing around with a build for the character I’m going to make in the upcoming freekend, I learned that I should use a Greater Multiple Projectiles Support Gem instead of a Increased Burning Damage Support Gem. This came a surprise because the build is based on creating a large Ignite debuff.

On a more worldly note, I learned that Spam – mystery pigmeat – is only comprised of 6 ingredients: precooked pork (shoulder and ham), salt, water, potato starch, sugar, and sodium nitrite… a surprising fact in this day and age of labels bearing incomprehensible ingredients. Saying that, Spam is also created in 4 ton batches, and due to massive demand, has allied itself with a butcher facility that processes 20,000 pigs a day. This astounding tonnage of spam finds many homes in the United States, but its main market is overseas in Guam and South Korea – the latter of which considers it a delicacy.

Commentary: It has been quite a lengthy day. Prolonged and prolific. Here is a collection of pictures containing a few of the best highlights:

  • Interior of the doors to the Master Blend freezer room.
  • The final third of ceiling is finished.
  • The raked and weeded garden.
  • Shoulder Steak lunch.
  • A hazy moon.

Final Note: The next major step in the freezer room shall be taken when I procure a few cans of or a large bucket of paint for the walls. Until then, I think I will attempt to transform the messy tool-space in the back of the farm’s grain room to something a tad more tidy.

*The fellow who hauls our beef cattle.

** We used the pay-loader (the machine that is utilized to feed the bulls) to lure the rampant creature back into the correct coral.

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