Shower P-trap in the sewer line of Jacob's container home.

The perfect p-trap.


Building Summary: Today I neatened up Jacobhouse by retrieving all the random pieces of wood I had laying about and by detangling and removing the extra extension cord. I also tapped the sewer line into place (needed to shift it westward by about five inches) and measured / cut the 3″ and 2″ pipe required for the shower section.

Commentary: The first highlight for this morning was finding out that the 2″ p-trap I got from Lowe’s is a perfect fit for the area into which it will be placed. The horizontal measurements do not matter too much because the fitting is adjustable all along the x/y axes (plural of axis). The vertical measurement is what I was concerned about, but today I discovered that it is of a perfect height to match up with the shower drain while also maintaining the ¼” slope of the entire sewer line.

Belgian Blue Sushi partaken of after working on Jacob's container home.

The second highlight came when I returned home for lunch. Padre and I had prepared some sushi last night, and it was fantastic. I should be note, however, that it was not ordinary sushi. Indeed, the meat we used was from one of our Belgian Blue New York Strips. Blue Beef. Wrapped in seaweed and sticky rice with shredded horse radish on top and dunked in coconut aminos. Served with hot ” Zuppa toscana” (soup with potato and Italian sausage) and springmix salad (greens dressed with California olive oil and De Nigris balsamic vinegar). Once again, I must state it was an absolutely delicious meal.

As for tomorrow’s acitivties, I believe I’ll end up gluing the shower line together, and we (Padre, Wag, and I) may end up going down to Sparr for CPVC parts.