(Above: This is the front deck of Jacobhouse with its first two ‘railing posts’ in place.)
Active Summary: Morning activities occurred in a slightly different sequence than usual. I began with the customary beef pasture check, but from there proceeded to work on the deck railing of Jacobhouse and to weed the garden. After giving those two activities their fair share of time, and after the weather began to cool quite quickly, I returned to Jacobhouse where I finished off the morning with a hefty bit of creative writing and a weekly house-cleaning.
(6:48 PM Update:) After helping out with various farm-related activities, I worked on the deck railing until I had two more posts fastened via lagbolt to Jacobhouse’s deck. They are attached quite tightly, but are slightly wobbly due to expanded steel’s flexible nature. So, I believe I will end up adding some support around the base of the four corner posts.
TIL: Today I learned that on November 11, 2019, it will be Poland’s 101st year of Independence – an event that occurred just after the events of World War I. Before that point, Poland had not existed as an independent country for 123 years due to various dominating nations (Germany, Austro-Hungary, and Russia) dividing / partitioning the realm amongst themselves.
Commentary: This morning, I awoke to Jacobhouse being bathed in a distinctly rosy luminescence. I rose and soon found that the eastern sky was bordered by a band of black clouds that were themselves filigreed by brilliant, blazing red. Over the ensuing gray morning, the temperature dropped from the mid-70’s to the low 60’s, and I believe that it will be lowering even further throughout the night. In short, it’s going to get cold.
As for highlights, I would have to say that today’s was my family’s trip to Aneta’s Bistro – a restaurant dedicated to Polish Cuisine that is to be found on the outskirts of central Old Ocala. There, I was able to taste various ethnic dishes such as: sour pickle soup (a lot tastier than it sounds), delicious cabbage salad, hunter’s stew, and homemade bread. I’m debating returning tomorrow evening for the Polish Independence buffet event.

Final Note: Tomorrow morning, I intend to work on the deck railing a little bit more. I will begin by fastening the pair of north posts to each other via pressure-treated 1×6, and then I will do the same for the south posts. This shall be followed by my cutting and fastening on the 2×8 railings.
* Filing down the uneven post ends with a farrier’s rasp and attaching a couple of the said posts to the deck via lagbolts.