Dried noodles and pesto, just waiting to be made into a fine evening meal.

Fence wire. Also, fresh noodles and pesto.


(Above: Dried homemade noodles and pesto, just waiting to be cooked into a fine evening meal.)

Active Summary: Today, after the morningly beef pasture ride-around, I returned to Jacobhouse where I commenced to write for an hour, tend to some computer chores, and then make some noodle dough. This was followed by my venturing up to Oldhouse to procure the rolling pin amongst some other cooking supplies that I would be utilizing to manufacture noodles for dinner.

After that, I returned to Jacobhouse, placed the collected implements inside, and then worked on the garden fence. The latter task consisted of my acquiring a piece of ¾” PVC pipe, cutting it into ten 9″ sections, and then fastening them to the top of every post along the garden’s perimeter. After they were all in place, I finished off the morning activities by drilling holes through the top of each PVC piece. It is through these hole that I shall be passing an electric wire.

(7:52 PM Update:) This afternoon, I helped out on the farm for a while, and then – with Wag’s help – I was able to string fencewire along the top of the garden perimeter. After that, I made the various hook-ups to allow electricity from the nearby cattle fence to charge the newly installed ‘raccoon guard’. It should be noted that I also made it simple to disconnect/reconnect the electric for ease of access to the garden.

After fencework and checking the beef pasture one last time for the day, I collected some fresh basil from the nearby cultivation-pots and a little bag of walnuts from the farm refrigerator. This was ensued by my preparing basil pesto and readying the noodles from earlier for boiling.

TIL: Today I learned how to make basil pesto with a pestle and mortar. It is a simple recipe calling for 4 cloves garlic, ½ tsp. Kosher salt, 2 cups (packed) basil, ¼ cup roasted pine nuts (or walnuts), 2 ounces of Parmesan Reggiano, and ½ cup olive oil.  The method consists of dumping the ingredients above – in the listed order – into a mortar and mashing them with a pestle. I found it interesting how the salt was not added so much for the flavor as it was for its ability to help process the garlic due to the friction it creates. It was also incredible how much I was able to cram into the mortar*.

Commentary: As can be deduced from the activity log, this has been quite a productive and enjoyable day. My only complaint is that the weather was in the 90’s. The 90’s when November is a mere four days away.

  • Noodles with Basil pesto.
  • Garden fence with electric wire stub-ups.
  • A strange way to dry noodles.
  • Electric wire above garden fence perimeter.
  • Preparaion surface.

Final Note: Tomorrow or later today (probably the former, on account of my making a delectable noodle dinner this evening), I plan on passing a wire through the PVC pieces I installed earlier today and then connecting that wire to the nearby electric fence. After that, I suppose it shall be time to start preparing the soil for planting. (7:51 PM Update:) I was able to get the wire up this afternoon. All it needs is a slight modification to keep the cows from rubbing against / picking through the fence. This shall be tended to tomorrow.

*All of it!