Delicious skirt steaks I made for lunch.

A post-post post about posts (and wire).


(Above: These are the delicious skirt steaks I made for lunch today. They are generally described as a tough cut of beef, but these were actually quite tender.)

Active Summary: This morning began with my rising, partaking in some creative writing, and then venturing outside to check the beef pasture with Padre. It was another pleasant ride which was followed by a return to Jacobhouse where I worked on American History class, replaced the batteries in my computers’ battery backup device, showed Padre and Jimmy the bug-man (pest control) around the house, and then vacuumed the floor. I finished off the morning with some more garden-related activity; today, it was digging holes for / retrieving / placing two more posts.

(7:16 PM Update): For afternoon activities, I helped out on the farm by checking on the calves and helping treat a sick one. This was followed by my straightening / tamping around a few of the garden posts and then by Padre and I beginning to put up the welded-wire fence*.

TIL: Over the past couple days, I’ve been learning how to put up fence. Despite its appearance of simplicity, a fair amount of measuring and leveling goes into the creation of a properly wrought perimeter. The primary bit of knowledge came today when Padre showed me that when it comes to welded-wire fence, post levelness is important, but it is much more imperative to level the wire in both directions to prevent distortions.

Commentary: With the eventful past week, I was beginning to fall behind in the college class I’ve been taking. So, this morning I took advantage of my freed time and was able to complete this week’s work and much of an additional 3-week assignment. As for additional highlights, I would state that the lunch Padre, Camoen, and I shared today was terrific.

For a main course, I pan-seared a couple types of skirt steak. One was Wagyu (lean, tender, and with a slightly grass-fed flavor), and the other was Angus (incredibly juicy, fatty, and with more of the corn-fed savor). The beef was accompanied by a farmer’s market salad made with some particularly pretty Romaine lettuce mixed in with a variety root vegetables, bottled peppers, and feta cheese. Then, there was the second side consisting of ‘home-fries’ – potatoes chunks microwave-softened and cast iron seared before being dunked in some delicious fresh-tomato ketchup*. Everything was excellent. Such is the way of home-grown, home-cooked meals, and that’s another reason why I am interested in growing a garden.

  • A classic farm scene with a calf-on-a-hill.
  • Fence construction, day two.

Final Note: Tomorrow, I intend to continue with the garden fence, and I still mean to purchase some long curtains for the hall separating the bed/bathroom from the kitchen. Also, I need to fix my internet situation. When it takes single images 30+ minutes to upload, something needs to change.

*Due to my wanting that wire to reach the ground, I had to dig out beneath the welded wire so it could run level along the top.