A bunch of supplies on the way to Jacobhouse.



(Above: One of the first posts on this blog showed the big white pickup truck with a load of lumber destined for Jacobhouse. Now look at what I’m moving.)

Active Summary: This morning I initiated the moving process by measuring the hose location on my air mattress at old house, detaching that hose / pump, and then venturing down to the farm. There, I proceeded to go on a ride-around the beef pasture with Padre. Afterward, I ventured to the Padre Studio where he proceeded to give me a holesaw drill attachment for making the air mattress hose hole. There was some difficulties with the bit, but I got the job done. That is when the morning’s second phase commenced.

The second phase of morning consisted of my driving the big white pickup to Oldhouse and gathering all* of the life-related supplies from bedroom, bathroom, and office. Any object with a fair amount of dust on it was wiped down, the mattress bedding was washed, and the mattress / computer supplies were vacuumed. I then packed all of the gathered objects in containers and bags that Madre provided for me, and then, with Padre’s and Wag’s help**, moved those items to the big white pickup.

A drive down the bumpy farm lane ensued. I went slowly so as not to joggle any of the more fragile objects, and everything ended up surviving without any sort of injury. There, Padre and Wag helped me once more by unloading the truck as I brought the life-supplies into Jacobhouse. This was beneficial because the clouds were beginning to sprinkle at the time. The rest of the morning was spent: putting various objects away in their intended locations, making the bed, setting up the computer, making a sushi order, and contacting a certain internet provider. It all went quite well, and we – Padre, Madre, and I – ended up eating lunch at about 2:00 PM.

(7:48 PM Update): I spent a bit of time at Jacobhouse this afternoon writing, resting, and making sourdough cookies for the return of my brother from his short trip to Pennsylvania. Needless to say, the abode smells delicious at the moment.

TIL: Today I learned a better method of cooking sourdough cookies. The ones last night were quite tasty, but they needed to be a tad crispier. So, this morning (while waiting for a certain internet provider to respond to my query) I researched how to go about this. The answer was simple. Cook at 400 degrees F for 10-12 minutes rather than 350 degrees for 10-15 minutes. I tried out the new method and the cookies were delicious. Here is where I learned. It even has an identical dough recipe to the one I used last night.

Commentary: This was a very strange day. It all started right after I rose from bed when I began making preparations to move that very bed down to Jacobhouse. Then, in the ensuing morning, I packed up and moved things that I had not seen moved in all of my adult memory (e.g. mattress and piano). These objects that had not moved in over a decade were then transported to a container-made-into-a-house where they proceeded to make that transport vessel feel even more like a home.

As for highlights, I do have a couple extra for today. First of all, Madre procured sushi for Padre and I from a new place in town. Ninja Sushi, is it’s name, and despite the rice quality not seeming quite as excellent as Sushi Bistro’s, those little morsels really ‘hit the spot’. Very enjoyable. The second highlight occurred after that lunch when I did my 20-minute postmeal rest at Jacobhouse. As is the way of my abode, it was perfectly tranquil with the only sound being that of little drizzly raindrops pelting the roof. The relaxation was superb.

  • Cooookies.... made in Jacobhouse oven.
  • Jacobhouse, first evening in.
  • Jacobhouse bedroom.
  • JAcobhouseoffice

Final Note: Tomorrow there will likely be more miscellaneous ‘set-up’ tasks which will include but are not limited to: setting up a Segway parking location in the Master Blend freezer room, procuring various items from Oldhouse that I forgot today (I already have an ongoing list), and cleaning off the kitchen’s stainless steel preparation / feasting table. Farmer’s Market shall also occur sometime in the early-to-mid morning.

*I say ‘all’, but I most definitely forgot a few items.

** Again, that help is much appreciated. The piano – though only electrical – would have been far more difficult to solo move.