(Above: A morning activity: Padre, Wag, Victor, and I moved the container that is going to be Guesthouse to its lot. Una actividad matutina: My padre, mi tío, Victor y yo movimos el contenedor que será Guesthouse a su lote.)
5/19/2024:Today began with heavy rain at about 5:17 AM. Temperatures ranged from high 60s to high 80s. Quite humid.
The dawn of 5/19/2024 in the central pasture.
El amanecer del 19/5/2024 en el campo central.
Old nails and moss on the bench in front of the milk barn.
Clavos viejos y musgo en el banco enfrente del establo de ordeño.
A morning activity: I filled fourteen compost bags for selling at the Moo-Magic stand.
Una actividad matutina: Llené catorce bolsas de abono para vender en el puesto de Moo-Magic.
Grimace and his mother at midday of 5/19/2024. Both of them have very similar markings.
Grimace y su madre en el mediodía del 19/5/2024. Los dos tienen manchas muy parecidas.
My lunch consisted of a salad made by Padre and dressed y Madre. I topped the greens with hard-baked eggs and sliced avocado.
Mi almuerzo consistía en una ensalada hecha por mi padre y aliñada por mi madre. Yo cubrí los verdes con huevos duros y aguacate en rodajas.
The fields to the east of Jacobhouse on the sunny and slightly breezy afternoon of 5/19/2024.
Los campos al este de mi casita en la tarde soleada y un poco ventosa del 19/5/2024.
Dinner consisted of reverse-seared full blood Wagyu short ribs accompanied by a cabbage salad and a bowl of homemade barbecue sauce. It is one of my favorite dishes.
La cena consistía en costillitas de Wagyu de pura sangre selladas al revés acompañadas de una ensalada de repollo y un tazón de salsa barbacoa casera. Es uno de mis platos favoritos.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon, accompanied by a dollop of Greek yogurt, and surrounded by a border of halved green grapes.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela, acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego y rodeada de un ribete de uvas verdes partidas por la mitad.
5/20/2024:Today began in the high 60s and warmed into the high 80s. Mostly sunny (but still a lot of clouds).
A morning activity: Padre, Wag, Victor, and I moved the container that is going to be Guesthouse to its lot.
Una actividad matutina: My padre, mi tío, Victor y yo movimos el contenedor que será Guesthouse a su lote.
After Padre and I took a blood test, we went with Madre to get sushi and miso soup from Sushi Bistro. All of the food was quite delicious.
Después de que tomé una prueba de sangre con mi padre, fuimos con mi madre para conseguir sushi y sopa de miso de Sushi Bistro. Toda la comida estaba bastante rica.
Two enormous carrots harvested in the afternoon of 5/20/2024.
Dos zanahorias enormes cosechadas en la tarde del 20/5/2024.
The garden in the afternoon of 5/20/2024. I supported two green pepper plants with string and PVC sticks.
El jardín en la tarde del 20/5/2024. Yo soporté dos plantas de pimiento verde con hilo y palos de PVC.
Dinner: A Belgian Blue burger-steak encrusted with salt and coffee grounds seared on a skillet over high heat. This steak was accompanied by a colorful and flavorful salad, and additionally, there was a bowl of homemade barbecue sauce for dipping.
La cena: Un bistec de res molida de azul belga incrustado con sal y posos de café cocinado a fuego alto en la sartén. Este bistec estaba acompañado de una ensalada colorida y sabrosa y, además, había un tazón de salsa barbacoa casera para mojar.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt and four halved grapes.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego y cuatro uvas partidas por la mitad.
5/21/2024:Today began in the high 60s and warmed into the mid 80s. Mostly sunny.
Noon of 5/21/2024 in the most southeastern field of the farm.
El mediodía del 21/5/2024 en el campo más sureste del rancho.
Lunch consisted of some eggs scrambled with chiltepin, provolone, and fresh rosemary accompanied by a salad made by padre.
El almuerzo consistía en huevos revueltos con chiltepín, provolone y romero fresco acompañados de una ensalada hecha por mi padre.
A small dessert that I enjoyed after lunch: A part of a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon.
Un postre pequeño que disfruté después de almorzar: Una parte de manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela.
An afternoon activity: I dug two holes and placed two posts for the new electric fence around the Guesthouse lot.
Una actividad por la tarde: Paleé dos hoyos y coloqué dos postes para la nueva valla eléctrica alrededor del lote de Guesthouse.
The departure of the old washing machine. Its pump was broken and to repair it would be expensive, so I said goodbye to the machine and ordered a new one.
La salida de la vieja lavadora. Su bomba estaba rota y para repararla sería costosa, así que, me despedí de la maquina y pedí una nueva.
This is a montage of the dinner of 5/21/2024. I harvested mushrooms from the field and cooked them with the beef (a Wagyu eye of round roast). These mushrooms and the beef were accompanied by a pretty salad of spring mix, arugula, carrot, and tomato. For dipping, we used a little bit of homemade barbecue sauce.
Este es un montaje de la cena del 21/5/2024. Coseché unos hongos del campo y los cociné con la res (un asado de bola de lomo de Wagyu). Estos hongos y la res estaban acompañados de una bonita ensalada de mezcla primavera, rúcula, zanahoria y tomate. Para mojar, utilizamos un poco de salsa barbacoa casera.
A dinner of Wagyu and wild mushrooms (shaggy ink cap – inkcap) on the night of 5/21/2024. Step #1
Una cena de Wagyu y hongos salvajes en la noche del 21/5/2024. Paso #1
A dinner of Wagyu and wild mushrooms (shaggy ink cap – inkcap) on the night of 5/21/2024. Step #2
Una cena de Wagyu y hongos salvajes en la noche del 21/5/2024. Paso #2
A dinner of Wagyu and wild mushrooms (shaggy ink cap – inkcap) on the night of 5/21/2024. Step #3
Una cena de Wagyu y hongos salvajes en la noche del 21/5/2024. Paso #3
A dinner of Wagyu and wild mushrooms (shaggy ink cap – inkcap) on the night of 5/21/2024. Step #4
Una cena de Wagyu y hongos salvajes en la noche del 21/5/2024. Paso #4
A dinner of Wagyu and wild mushrooms (shaggy ink cap – inkcap) on the night of 5/21/2024. Step #5
Una cena de Wagyu y hongos salvajes en la noche del 21/5/2024. Paso #5
And of course, there was a dessert of sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt and some walnuts.
Y por supuesto, había un postre de manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego y unas nueces.
5/22/2024:Today began in the high 60s and warmed into the mid 80s. Mostly sunny.
The foggy dawn of 5/22/2024 in the southeasternmost field of the farm.
El amanecer neblinoso del 22/5/2024 en el campo más sureste del rancho.
A morning activity (for Padre and Wag): They were working on a septic system.
Una actividad matutina (para mí padre y mi tío): Ellos trabajaban en un sistema séptico.
Lunch consisted of a fried mixture of eggs and leftover beef. This was accompanied by a green salad made by Padre.
El almuerzo consistía en una mezcla frita de huevos y sobras de res de anoche. Esta estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
An afternoon activity: I installed the electric fence around the Guesthouse lot.
Una actividad por la tarde: Instalé la cerca eléctrica alrededor del lote de Guesthouse.
This is a compilation of photos of the process of making the pizza that we enjoyed for dinner on 5/22/2024. This pizza had a sourdough crust, a homemade tomato sauce, provolone cheese, full blood Wagyu beef, green pepper, and a little bit of red onion.
Esta es una compilación de fotos del proceso de hacer la pizza que disfrutamos en la cena del 22/5/2024. Esta pizza tenía una corteza de masa madre y harina siciliana, una salsa de tomate casera, queso provolone, res de Wagyu de pura sangre, pimiento verde, y un poco de cebolla roja.
#1. I made the dough in the morning. #1. Hice la masa en la mañana.
#2. Preparing the ingredients. #2. Preparando los ingredientes.
#3. Arranging the ingredients. #3. Arreglando los ingredients.
#4. After cooking. #4. Después de cocinar.
#5. Plated with a salad. #5. Emplatada con una ensalada.
#6. The dessert: a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt. #6. El postre: Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
5/23/2024:Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the high 80s. Mostly sunny.
This morning (5/23/2024), I repaired the electric fence because the cows had destroyed it. I also hung some pieces of tape on the wire to signal the fence’s existence.
Esta mañana (23/5/2024) reparé la cerca eléctrica porque las vacas la habían destruido. También, enganché unos pedazos de cinta en el alambre para señalar la presencia de la cerca.
The central pasture at noon of 5/23/2024.
El campo central en el mediodía del 23/5/2024.
The great lunch of 5/23/2024: An enormous salad of romaine lettuce, red cabbage, finely cut Belgian Blue flank steak, tomato, banana pepper, sliced avocado, homemade barbecue sauce, and salt & black pepper.
El gran almuerzo del 23/5/2024: Una ensalada enorme de lechuga romana, repollo rojo, filete de flanco de Azul Belga en rodajas finas, tomate, pimiento amarillo enfrascado, aguacate en rodajas, salsa barbacoa casera, sal & pimienta negra.
Cows grazing in the partially cloudy afternoon of 5/23/2024.
Vacas pastando en la tarde parcialmente nublada del 23/5/2024.
A strange bug that I found in an oak tree.
Un bicho raro que encontré en un roble.
Tonight, after a tour of the farm with Lunaita, I enjoyed a dinner that consisted of three sliced apples sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a few spoonfuls of Greek yogurt and some walnuts.
Esta noche, después de un tour del rancho con Lunita, disfruté de una cena que consistía en tres manzanas rojas en rodajas espolvoreadas con canela y acompañadas de unas cucharadas de yogur griego y unas nueces.
5/24/2024:Today began in the low 70s and warmed into the low 90s. Mostly sunny.
Lunch of 5/24/2024: A pan-seared tuna steak accompanied by a colorful salad made by Padre and dressed by Madre.
El almuerzo del 24/5/2024: Un filete de atún al sartén acompañado de una ensalada colorida hecha por mi padre y aliñada por mi madre.
The field to the east of Jacobhouse on the afternoon of 5/24/2024: The herd was grazing beneath a mostly sunny sky.
El campo al este de mi casita en la tarde del 24/5/2024: La manada estaba pastando bajo un cielo mayormente soleado.
After cleaning Jacobhouse, I made dinner. Today’s dinner consisted of a pan-seared Belgian Blue burger-steak accompanied by two also-sautéed mushrooms and a salad of spring mix, arugula, tomato, green pepper, and carrot.
Después de limpiar mi casita, hice la cena. La cena de hoy consistía en un bistec de res molida de azul belga al sartén acompañado de dos hongos también salteados y una ensalada de mezcla primavera, rúcula, tomate, pimiento verde y zanahoria.
Dessert: A enormous sliced apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt.
El postre: Una enorme manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
5/25/2024:Today began in the 70s and warmed into the 90s.
The chiltepin bush in front of the Master Blend freezer room on the morning of 5/25/2024.
La mata chiltepín enfrente de la carnecería en la mañana del 25/5/2024.
Many purslane flowers at midday.
Muchas flores rosadas de verdolaga en el mediodía.
Today’s lunch consisted of eggs scrambled with chiltepin, fresh rosemary, and provolone cheese. These were accompanied by a salad of lettuce, red cabbage, fresh carrot, green pepper, and banana peppers.
El almuerzo de hoy consistía en unos huevos revueltos con chiltepín, romero fresco y queso provolone. Estos estaban acompañados de una ensalada de lechuga, repollo rojo, zanahoria fresca, pimiento verde y pimientos amarillos enfrascados.
A nice order in the Master Blend freezer room: short ribs, New York strip, chuck steak, and picanha. All of the cuts were from a full blood Wagyu.
Un pedido bonito en la carnicería: costillitas, filete de Nueva York, filete de hombro y picaña. Todas las cortes fueron de un Wagyu de pura sangre.
The afternoon of 5/25/2024: Mr. Mole began to dig hole #3 for column #3 of the Guesthouse foundation.
La tarde del 25/5/2024: El Señor Topo empezó a palear hoyo #3 para columna #3 de los cimientos de Guesthouse.
I made good progress in fifteen minutes.
Hice buenos progresos en quince minutos.
Dinner: Mississippi-style Belgian Blue shank steak. It was very flavorful and went well with a red cabbage slaw.
La cena: bistec de pierna de azul belga al estilo de Misisipi. Estaba muy sabrosa y combinaba bien con una ensalada de repollo rojo.
Dessert: A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt.
El postre: Una mazana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
Final Note:Excerpt from draft of Lani P1 S2 C14:
“Where’d you get your patience from, Tin?” she asked, “He insulted you. Ways, he insulted your Word, and you not only sent him home with a bandage, you told him to come back tomorrow.”
The quartermaster was nodding, “That would be Prime Tenet Number Two: All that passes does so for a reason. That being the case, everyone is who they are for a reason. No sense fighting it.”
“But don’t you get frustrated with that ‘reason’ sometimes?” Lani posed.
“In my younger days, certainly,” Tin acceded, “But do recall what I’ve seen—what I saw during the Coalition. What I saw after. It granted perspective. Why, when a fellow acts like Geets just has, it means he’s fine and well, doesn’t it? That’s something to appreciate after one’s seen men lying on the stretcher with—”
The man didn’t finish the sentence, instead letting out a long, slow breath. Lanira was nonplussed by his almost grim expression, “So you’re saying that your Word’s reason for sending you to war was so you could be more patient with people like Tory Geets?”
It took a moment for the older fellow to comprehend Lani’s inquiry in full, and in that moment, grimness transformed into an outright chuckle, “Well, lass, you could look at it like that if you wish, for you’ve hit upon one of the two primary approaches to Tenet Two. Approach one: all that passes does so for a reason, with ‘reason’ taking on its synonymical meaning ‘purpose’. Approach two: all that passes does so for a reason, with ‘for’ taking on its synonymical meaning ‘due to’.”
Lani thought about that moment: All that passes does so for a purpose. All that passes does so due to a reason… All that passes does so for a purpose. All that passes does so due to a reason?
“But those are two completely different things!” she protested.
“The way of Words,” Stentin agreed, “The Fahrens say they’re a trellis, or I suppose in the Vale’s case it would be an orchard grid: a place for cultivating our individual truths. But I believe Words to be more like the fruits themselves. From them we can make wine, or…” he shook the pewter decanter once before placing it back on the shelf from whence he had retrieved it, “Or we can make vinegar.”
3 thoughts on “Week of May 19, 2024 – Container moved, Wagyu Perciasacchi pan pizza, Pillar #3, & the Way of Words”
Well, if one asked the question, how much can happen in a week, and this week’s post was proffered, the underlying answer is a lot… tremendous. Now as to the wonder of words, could be it’s own form of religion as they have the power to transform lives no doubt. Thanks for sharing.
🐢 Lani’s real name is Lanira, it is a unique name, and the capacity of the text is quite philosophical and intense, which depending on the reader is interpreted in some way. On the other hand, the blog has so many positive things, it conveys sensations, it gives ideas about food, and really the combination is perfect, that pizza is very good, I could imagine it as something soft, Fluffy, with ideal fat, and the meat looks very good, it is a pizza that could be marketed here, Likewise, the green apple dessert could feel the intensity of its flavor and the crunchy nuts. In another aspect the cows have made a rebellion, sooner or later they will take over the farm xD……… This blog is a living reflection of its author, constant, balanced, does not saturate, leaves you wanting more and the final notes are interesting and enigmatic, it is a lot of wisdom for the turtle of wisdom
And of course it could be ideal for people learning their English.
I hope to continue reading your adventures. It makes me want more. 💫💫💫💫💫💫
It is a rare thing to have a wise turtle reading one’s blog. As for the cows’ rebellion, it sounds like Padre and I need to eat more beef.
By the way, tell your mom that her English is improving noticeably. That, and tell her I quite enjoy her presence in our adventures. I look forward to more.
Well, if one asked the question, how much can happen in a week, and this week’s post was proffered, the underlying answer is a lot… tremendous. Now as to the wonder of words, could be it’s own form of religion as they have the power to transform lives no doubt. Thanks for sharing.
🐢 Lani’s real name is Lanira, it is a unique name, and the capacity of the text is quite philosophical and intense, which depending on the reader is interpreted in some way. On the other hand, the blog has so many positive things, it conveys sensations, it gives ideas about food, and really the combination is perfect, that pizza is very good, I could imagine it as something soft, Fluffy, with ideal fat, and the meat looks very good, it is a pizza that could be marketed here, Likewise, the green apple dessert could feel the intensity of its flavor and the crunchy nuts. In another aspect the cows have made a rebellion, sooner or later they will take over the farm xD……… This blog is a living reflection of its author, constant, balanced, does not saturate, leaves you wanting more and the final notes are interesting and enigmatic, it is a lot of wisdom for the turtle of wisdom
And of course it could be ideal for people learning their English.
I hope to continue reading your adventures. It makes me want more. 💫💫💫💫💫💫
It is a rare thing to have a wise turtle reading one’s blog. As for the cows’ rebellion, it sounds like Padre and I need to eat more beef.
By the way, tell your mom that her English is improving noticeably. That, and tell her I quite enjoy her presence in our adventures. I look forward to more.