(Above: An afternoon activity: Padre, Wag, and I placed a column in hole #2. Una actividad por la tarde: mi padre, mi tío y yo colocamos una columna en hoyo #2.)
4/21/2021: Today began in the low 60s and warmed into the mid 80s.Partly cloudy.
Morning of 4/21/2024: I took a photo of the chiltepin garden. The plants have been doing better since I gave them more shade.
La mañana del 21/4/2024: Tomé una foto del jardín de los chiltepines. Las plantas han estado mejorando desde que les di más sombra.
Lunch consisted of eggs fried with leftover beef short ribs. There were accompanied by a salad made by Padre.
El almuerzo consistía en huevos fritos con sobras de costillitas de res. Estos estaban acompañados de una ensalada hecha por mi padre.
After eating lunch, Padre and I planned what about what I am going to do with the fence that surrounds the Guesthouse lot. I will remove much of the fence and find another way of bringing electricity to the line beside the highway.
Después de almorzar, mi padre y yo planeamos en que voy a hacer con la cerca que rodea el lote de Guesthouse. Quitaré mucha de la cerca y encontraré otra manera de llevar la electricidad a la línea al lado de la carretera.
The cloudy afternoon of 4/21/2024 in the southeasternmost pasture.
La tarde nublada del 21/4/2024 en el campo más sureste.
The flies were bothering the cows, and because of that, the cows were gathering at the middle of the central pasture.
Las moscas molestaban las vacas, por eso las vacas se reunieron en el centro del campo central.
I found a way of bringing electricity to the electric fence along the road through the sheep lot.
Encontré una manera de llevar electricidad a la valla eléctrica al lado la carretera a través el lote de las ovejas.
Dinner: A Belgian Blue burger-steak encrusted with salt and coffee ground. I cooked it in a frying pan. This was accompanied by a green salad made by Padre.
La cena: Un bistec de res molida de azul belga incrustado con sal y posos de café. Lo cociné en una sartén. Este estaba acompañado de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by some walnuts, a spoonful of Greek yogurt, and five blueberries.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de unas nueces, una cucharada de yogur griego y cinco arándanos.
4/22/2024: Today began in the mid 50s and warmed into the mid 70s. Mostly sunny.
The cloudy dawn of 4/22/2024.
La madrugada nublada del 22/4/2024.
Lunch: A fried mixture of eggs, ground beef, green pepper, and mozzarella topped with a little bit of Cholula hot sauce. This was accompanied by a salad made by Padre.
El almuerzo: Una mezcla frita de huevos, res molida, pimiento verde y mozzarella cubierta con un poco de salsa picante Cholula. Esta estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
These are the main ingredients of ratatouille. I’m going to make it on Thursday.
Estos son los ingredientes principales de ratatouille. Voy a hacerlo el jueves.
I prepared two Wagyu shank steaks like this for dinner of 4/22/2024. I used the following spices and herbs: fresh garlic, fresh rosemary, black pepper, salt, Worcestershire sauce, and dried chiltepin.
Preparé dos bistecs de pierna de Wagyu como este para la cena del 22/4/2024. Utilicé las siguientes especias y hierbas: ajo fresco, romero fresco, pimienta negra, sal, salsa inglesa y chiltepín seco.
Many cows under many clouds and a sunny, blue sky.
Muchas vacas bajo muchas nubes y un cielo azul soleado.
In the afternoon of 4/22/2024, before the agribusiness marketing class, I installed this 2×4 on the fence in front of my house. We are going to use it to bring electricity to the electric gaps there.
En la tarde del 22/4/2024, antes de la clase de marketing de agroindustria, instalé este 2×4 (dos por cuatro) en la cerca enfrente de mi casita. Vamos a usarlo para llevar electricidad a las puertas eléctricas allí. Dinner consisted of the aforementioned Wagyu shank steak accompanied by a simple salad of spring mix, fresh carrot, and tomato. I also used a little bit of mustard for dipping.
La cena consistía en el bistec de pierna de Wagyu ya mencionado acompañado de una ensalada simple de mezcla primavera, zanahoria fresca y tomate. También utilicé un poco de mostaza para mojar.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt and some walnuts.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego y unas nueces.
4/23/2024: Today began in the mid 50s and warmed into the mid 70s. Mostly sunny.
This morning of 4/23/2024, Padre and I moved a display table to the freezer room. It looked excellent there in the old water trough.
Esta mañana del 23/4/2024, mi padre y yo movimos una mesa de exposición al cuarto de los congeladores. Se ve excelente allí en el bebedero antiguo.
Later in the morning, I went to Isabella and Damari’s house to help them with planning a tiny house in an antique shed. It is going to be a lot of work, but it is possible. After planning, they along with Isabella’s aunt gave me the best arepa I had ever eaten. It was filled with provolone cheese.
Más tarde en la mañana, fui a la casa de Isabella y Damaris para ayudar a ellas con planear una casita en un cobertizo antiguo. Va a ser mucho trabajo, pero es posible. Después de planear, ellas y la tía de Isabella me dieron la mejor arepa de mi vida. Estaba rellena de queso provolone.
Lunch: Even though Isabella and her aunt tried to make me fat with the delicious arepa, a piece of tres leches cake (with blueberries in it), and a spoonful of passion fruit marmalade, I enjoyed a tray of sushi and a bowl of miso soup when I arrived home.
El almuerzo: Aunque Isabella y su tía intentaron de hacerme gordo con la arepa deliciosa, un pedazo de pastel de tres leches (con arándanos dentro) y una cuchara de mermelada de granadilla, yo disfruté de una bandeja de sushi y un tazón de sopa de miso cuando llegué a hogar.
An afternoon activity: Padre, Wag, and I installed the wire that brings electricity to the electric gaps in front of Jacobhouse.
Una actividad por la tarde: Mi padre, mi tío y yo instalamos el alambre que lleva electricidad a las puertas eléctricas enfrente de mi casa.
A photo of the picaña that I reverse-seared for the dinner of 4/23/2024. It was a tremendous cut of beef.
Una foto de la picaña que doré al revés para la cena del 23/4/2024. Fue un tremende corte de res.
The plated dinner: A piece of the picaña accompanied by a simple salad of spring mix, tomato, and fresh carrot. For dipping, we used a little bit of homemade barbecue sauce.
La cena emplatada: Un trozo de la picaña acompañado de una ensalada simple de mezcla primavera, tomate y zanahoria fresca. Para mojar, utilizamos un poco de salsa barbacoa casera.
Another photo of the magnificent dinner of 4/23/2024.
Otra foto de la cena magnifica del 23/4/2024.
Dessert consisted of a sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt and some walnuts.
El postre consistía en una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego y unas nueces.
The full moon of 4/23/2024 as seen from the field outside of Jacobhouse.
La luna llena del 23/4/2024 como visto desde el campo afuera de mi casita.
4/24/2024: Today began in the mid 50s and warmed into the low 80s. Mostly sunny.
The dawn of 4/24/2024 in the southeasternmost pasture of the farm.
El amanecer del 24/4/2024 en el campo más sureste del rancho.
Lunch consisted of a fried mixture of scrambled eggs with venison sausage. This mixture was accompanied by a green salad made by Padre.
El almuerzo consistía en una mezcla frita de huevos revueltos con salchicha de venado. Esta mezcla estaba acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
An afternoon activity: Padre, Wag, and I placed a column in hole #2.
Una actividad por la tarde: mi padre, mi tío y yo colocamos una columna en hoyo #2.
A photo of the team that placed columns #1 and #2 after the job.
Una foto del equipo que colocó columnas #1 y #2 después del trabajo.
Dinner consisted of leftover picanha from last night reverse-seared for a second time. This beef was accompanied by a simple salad of spring mix.
La cena consistía en sobras de picaña de anoche sellado al revés por segunda vez. Esta res estaba acompañada de una ensalada simple de mezcla primavera.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt and some walnuts. It was a fantastic dessert.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego y unas nueces. Fue un postre fantástico.
4/25/2024: Today began in the mid 50s and warmed into the low 80s. Mostly sunny.
Lunch of 4/25/2024 consisted of a salad of lettuce, cabbage, tomato, avocado, Belgian Blue ground beef (and finely chopped picaña), and homemade barbecue sauce.
El almuerzo del 25/4/2024 consistía en una ensalada de lechuga, repollo, tomate, aguacate, res molida de azul belga (y picaña picada) y salsa barbacoa casera.
Dinner consisted of a plate of ratatouille, an arepa filled with ratatouille, and a green salad. It was a very unique combination, and I enjoyed it a lot.
La cena consistía en un plato de ratatouille, una arepa rellena con ratatouille, y una ensalada verde. Fue una combinación muy única y la disfruté mucho.
The ratatouille consisted of tomato sauce, mozzarella, Havarti cheese, and the following vegetables: eggplant, zucchini, summer squash, tomato, and carrot.
La ratatouille consistía en salsa de tomate, mozzarella, queso Havarti y los siguientes vegetales: berenjena, calabacita verde, calabaza de verano, tomate y zanahoria.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
During dinner, I realized that today I did not take photos of the Guesthouse project. So, I walked through the dark night to take some. After returning to my abode, I looked at the photos and in both of them I found strange artifacts. In this one, there is a cloud of mist near the base of the column and some bright eyes in the background.
Durante la cena, me di cuenta que hoy no tomé fotos del proyecto Guesthouse. Así que, yo caminé por la noche oscura para tomarlas. Después de regresar a mi casita, yo vi las fotos y dentro de los dos, vi artefactos raros. En este, hay una nube cerca del base de la columna y unos ojos brillantes al fondo.
And in this photo, there is a ball of light near the column in the back.
Y en esta foto, hay una bola de luz cerca de la columna al fondo.
4/25/2024: Today began in the mid 50s and then warmed into the mid 80s. Mostly sunny.
Lunch of 4/25/2024 consisted of a salad of lettuce, cabbage, tomato, avocado, Belgian Blue ground beef (and finely chopped picaña), and homemade barbecue sauce.
El almuerzo del 25/4/2024 consistía en una ensalada de lechuga, repollo, tomate, aguacate, res molida de azul belga (y picaña picada) y salsa barbacoa casera.
Dinner consisted of a plate of ratatouille, an arepa filled with ratatouille, and a green salad. It was a very unique combination, and I enjoyed it a lot.
La cena consistía en un plato de ratatouille, una arepa rellena con ratatouille, y una ensalada verde. Fue una combinación muy única y la disfruté mucho.
The ratatouille consisted of tomato sauce, mozzarella, Havarti cheese, and the following vegetables: eggplant, zucchini, summer squash, tomato, and carrot.
La ratatouille consistía en salsa de tomate, mozzarella, queso Havarti y los siguientes vegetales: berenjena, calabacita verde, calabaza de verano, tomate y zanahoria.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego.
During dinner, I realized that today I did not take photos of the Guesthouse project. So, I walked through the dark night to take some. After returning to my abode, I looked at the photos and in both of them I found strange artifacts. In this one, there is a cloud of mist near the base of the column and some bright eyes in the background.
Durante la cena, me di cuenta que hoy no tomé fotos del proyecto Guesthouse. Así que, yo caminé por la noche oscura para tomarlas. Después de regresar a mi casita, yo vi las fotos y dentro de los dos, vi artefactos raros. En este, hay una nube cerca del base de la columna y unos ojos brillantes al fondo.
And in this photo, there is a ball of light near the column in the back.
Y en esta foto, hay una bola de luz cerca de la columna al fondo.
4/26/2024: Today began in the mid 50s and then warmed into the mid 80s. Mostly sunny.
The early morning of 4/26/2024: The cows had breakfast under the moon.
La madrugada del 26/4/2024: Las vacas desayunaba bajo la luna. 86 / 5,000
Translation results
Translation result
Noon on 7/26/2024 in the central field: The cows were resting under the hackberry trees.
El mediodía del 26/7/2024 en el campo central: Las vacas descansaban bajo los almeces. Lunch was a fried mixture of eggs and vegetables. Those vegetables included: eggplant, carrot, zucchini, and summer squash. There was also a green salad on the side.
El almuerzo consistía en una mezcla frita de huevos y vegetales. Esos vegetales incluyaron: berenjena, zanahoria, calabacita, y calabaza verano. Además había una ensalada verde al lado. Today my mother painted her house chocolate brown. The color looks good there.
Hoy mi madre pintó su casita marrón chocolate. El color se ve bien allí. Today I finished filling in the holes around the Guesthouse columns. The next step will be to remove the electric fences and many of the overgrown trees.
Hoy terminé de rellenar los hoyos que rodeaban las columnas de Guesthouse. El próximo paso consistirá en quitar las cercas electricas y muchos de los arboles malezas. Dinner was Belgian blue ground beef steak encrusted with salt and coffee grounds. This steak was pan seared and accompanied by a simple spring mix salad.
La cena consistía en un bistec de res molida de azul belga incrustado con sal y posos de café. Este bistec estaba dorado en una sartén y acompañado de una ensalada simple de mezcla primavera. The dessert: a red apple was sliced and sprinkled with cinnamon. Additionally, I accompanied it with a spoonful of Greek yogurt and some walnuts.
El postre: una manzana roja se cortó en rodajas y se espolvoreó con canela. Además, la acompañé con una cucharada de yogur griego y unas nueces.
4/27/2024: Today began in the low 60s and warmed into the high 70s. Some rain, clouds, and breezes throughout.
The early morning of 4/27/2024 in the central pasture.
La madrugada del 27/4/2024 en el campo central.
Midday of 4/27/2024: The cows were waiting for their lunch.
El mediodía del 27/4/2024: Las vacas esperaban su almuerzo.
Lunch consisted of some beef sausages (seasoned with Parmesan and Italian spices) accompanied by cabbage slaw.
El almuerzo consistía en unas salchichas de res (sazonadas con parmesano y especias italianas) acompañadas de ensalada de repollo.
A bucket of tomatoes that I harvested in the afternoon of 4/27/2024. Furthermore, there were two spaghetti squashes. Unfortunately, there were insects in the squashes. The tomatoes, though, were in excellent condition.
Una cubeta de tomates que coseché en la tarde del 27/4/2024. Además, había dos calabazas de ‘espagueti’. Desafortunadamente, había insectos dentro de las calabazas. Pero los tomates estaban en excelente estado.
Dinner consisted of ‘Mississippi’ roasted beef accompanied by a green salad made by Padre.
La cena consistía en res asada ‘de Misisipi’ acompañada de una ensalada verde hecha por mi padre.
A sliced red apple sprinkled with cinnamon and accompanied by a spoonful of Greek yogurt and some walnuts.
Una manzana roja en rodajas espolvoreada con canela y acompañada de una cucharada de yogur griego y unas nueces.
Final Note: Yesterday afternoon, I took down the wire around Guesthouse lot, and as of this morning, I’ve taken down the cable to the west side of the Guesthouse lot. Now, it is time for the “Cownstruction Crew” to get to work clearing the tree-line. The next five steps after this ‘clearing’ will include:
Clearing out some of the larger weed trees with the loader
Dragging the container out to Guesthouse lot (requires one fence to be partially dismantled).
Digging holes & installing two more pillars
Positioning the container atop those pillars.
Building a roof over container & future patio space.
Whether human or cow, one step at a time is the most simple and sure way forward.
The bovine builders: In this photo, the cows demonstrate their tendency of being curious. They are probably going to help us with cleaning up the tree line west of Guesthouse. Los constructores bovinos: En esta foto las vacas muestran su tendencia de ser curiosas. Ellos probablemente van a ayudarnos con limpiar la línea de arboles al oeste de Guesthouse.
Indeed young Walden, I was able to observe a ghost between the pillars, it is time to make a salt cross to ward off the spirits of the dead cows, they can bother the guests. Now I’ll get back into my shell… May the force be with you Anakin… What can I say… Walden 🐢💤
Sometimes I don’t even know what to say about your wisdom, Tortuga, but I will admit that I’m happy to have you as a visitor.
🐢☁️ un pedito with my smell, blushing… The night embraces you with its silence and calm.
Again, for some reason some of those activities seem far more than a week ago. Definitely progress made and step by step they’ll be more this week I’m sure. A lot of tremendous food, but I still think my favorite was the pecanha. Thanks for sharing.
Por supesto, Padre. Gracias por compartir esta semana conmigo.