The fully floored hall of Jacobhouse.

The bathroom floor.


(Above: The fully floored kitchen-to-bedroom hall.)

Building Summary: This morning’s construction activities consisted solely of flooring Jacobhouse. I began by laying grip-strip planks in the bathroom*, and then by finishing the remainder of the kitchen-to-bedroom hall. After this, I applied a sheet of wax paper over the exposed grip-strip (so socks / debris could not stick), and then I cleaned up all waste resulting of the flooring process thus far. The morning was finished off by my venturing outside to help Padre with an abundance of cattle activities.

TIL: Today I learned how to make an even juicier grill-burger. Yesterday I cooked my brother’s beef to a perfect medium-rare. However, I did so over a span of 15 minutes – 15 minutes of juice slowly seeping from the burger’s underside. Today, I preheated the grill to 500, brushed the patties with olive oil / sprinkled them with salt, and then placed them over the heat. I closed the lid and only opened it after 2.5 minutes when it was time to flip. The flip was performed, another 2.5 minutes passed, and the burgers were done. I rested them on a plate with a little bit of butter, and I must say, today’s beef looked infinitely more juicy than the portion I served my brother yesterday (and it bore the delicious taste of flame-roasting).

Commentary: Two highlights today. The first has actually occurred just now as I downloaded the images of Jacobhouse off of my camera. At observing those pictures, I could not help but note the sheer variety of color and materials present within them and the uniquely attractive combination they make. I can honestly say (write) that Jacobhouse is the only place where I have seen the combination of rough-painted plywood, vinyl plank flooring, and galvalume wall paneling. Turquoise, russet, and silver; it is a color scheme slightly reminiscent to that which is found in some Native American artworks – Native American artworks melded with contemporary influences of agriculture and industry. I was not intending this combination, but I am quite happy with it.

As for the second highlight for today… I used Jacobhouse bathroom for the first time, and it was glorious.

  • The fully floored bathroom, pictured toward east.
  • The fully floored bathroom, pictured toward the west.

Final Note: Tomorrow, I may retrieve the interior door slab(s) from Container #2 and paint them. These two slabs will be used for the bathroom pocket door, and the kitchen spice-cupboard’s barn door.

*A slightly more complicated process due to the complex cuts that I needed to make. However, compared to tin-nibbling, I’d rather perform today’s task about fifteen times over.