The freshly installed drain pipes / p-trap beneath the kitchen sink.

All piping in, all p-traps filled.


(Above: The freshly installed drain pipes / p-trap beneath the kitchen sink.)

Building Summary: Today I began Jacobhouse activities with the installation of the drain-line and p-trap beneath the kitchen sink. This was followed by my testing for leaks via bucketfuls of water and subsequently filling all the p-traps in the process*. After finding that there were no leaks, I set about cleaning up excess caulking from the kitchen sink with window-cleaner and paper towels, and then I measured / cut a few pieces of aluminum angle-stock to run along the ‘backsplash’ portion of the kitchen counter. I fitted all three pieces that I cut, but did not attach them, because for that I will need some 1/8″ rivets.

Aluminum cut for the backsplash area behind the kitchen counter.
Aluminum angle-stock ‘backsplash’ cut and placed behind the kitchen sink.

(7:15 PM Update): Cleared off / swept the floor in the postern portion of Jacobhouse in preparation of laying down flooring. Also took some measurements (room is roughly 90″ by 72″). The only difficult portion of the afternoon activities was leveling out the floor in front of the closet-wall – a process that consisted of unfastening** that small piece of plywood, shimming the adjacent edge of the office plank, and then fastening it all back in place.

TIL: Today I learned that when making ground beef patties for burgers and burger-steaks, it is beneficial to use a fork to break apart the ground beef so it loses its ‘pressure-packaged’ / sausage-like texture. The reason a fork is utilized, is so the warmth of my hands does not melt and meld the fat in with the beef. Saying all this, such a burger also cooks faster, so it is best to take it off a tad sooner than a typical hand-broken/pressed patty.

Commentary: The hurricane gave us nothing more than a few inches of rain, refreshing breezes, and a hefty amount of humid air. I am pleased by this, and I suppose it could be counted for a highlight that we have not lost electrical power at Jacobhouse or Oldhouse for the entire extent thus far.

As for my intended highlight, I found these flowers on my way to the farm this morning. They belong to a pretty plant called a Cypress vine. I attempted rendering it as a oil painting in the photo workshop I use, but it actually looks far better without any filters at all.

Cypress vine on an old gate.
Cypress vine basking in a brief glimpse of morning sun.

Final Note: Tomorrow I may actually begin laying down the vinyl floor in Jacobhouse. I’m starting at the office area and working my way toward the kitchen. Planks will run north to south.

*A special exception made for the washer/dryer p-trap that I used a spare water bottle to fill. It should also be noted that with all the traps filled, I can now technically use the toilet in Jacobhouse without sewer smell leaking its way back into the house!

**Didn’t have my air tank with me today, so I had to use lung-power to blow out all the dust / debris from the screw heads.