(Above: Strips of flashing added to horizontal supports in the shelving area of closet-wall.)
Building Summary: Today I woke up at normal time, decided that 4 hours of sleep was not enough, and so slept in one hour. This was ensued by my rising and then venturing down to Jacobhouse for the first time in eight days. There, I met Padre and Wag who commenced to tell me of a new pet* within the container home. After that, I went inside to see what Padre had done while I was away in Colorado (more in commentary).

Small jobs ensued – starter tasks to help me get back on track. These included whittling down / fastening the face plate on the bedroom’s dimmer switch and measuring/marking/cutting ** some flashing before fastening it to its intended locations with rivets. To finish off the morning, I stepped outside into the rain, pulled a few sida weeds, and headed back up to old-house.
Commentary: The journey to Colorado Springs certainly broke up my routine, so this morning, I felt a bit like a cog being thrown back into the gearworks. Fortunately, as listed above, I managed to land tooth-in-tooth and thus got a little bit done. To add to this, I was especially pleased this morning when I turned on the kitchen light and found that the house that was wholly sealed from the elements.
Indeed, while I was away, Padre tended to an number of tasks I was not looking forward to: the finishing of the utility hole. This job consisted of ducting-out the portable air conditioner’s hoses, stubbing out the DSL cable, stubbing out an extra conduit (for possible DSL / electrical cables in the future), and framing / filling the remaining space in the utility hole with spray foam. As can be seen by the image below, it looks to be quite a neat job, and to further verify the seal’s integrity, I can’t help but notice how there is a little bit of negative air pressure while the A/C’s compressor is running… that, and there is now the aforementioned reptilian presence dwelling beneath the floorboards – a presence that shall remain trapped in Jacobhouse until it allows us to capture and move it back outside.
Serpents aside, it truly is a gift that Jacobhouse progressed while I was unavailable to work on it. The phenomenon is something that made my adventure Colorado all the more rewarding and that gave me the ability to truly slow down out there and know that all of my time was free.
It was a great trip out west, and now it’s great to be back home at Jacobhouse.

From left-bottom then clockwise: A/C air outlet, A/C air intake, panel-to-pole electrical lines (upper), DSL line stubout (lower), additional utility conduit stub-out, cold water inlet(s), and sewer line (with large hole being a clean-out/vent).
Final Note: Tomorrow, I need to cut a long piece of galvalume for the northernmost portion of the Closet-Wall’s east side. After that, I suppose it will be about time for some trim-work.
*Apparently, a small grass snake found its way into the house before Padre sprayfoamed the utility hole shut. There is now a slithery reptile beneath the floorboards – something I hope to get out before I start sleeping in the container home. (Snakes can live for quite a long time without food or water… and I know for a fact that there are plenty of sizeable wolf-spiders that the beast could consume to survive for extended periods.)
**What better way to warm-up after a week’s absence?
Great to see you wander off and about, but happy to have back on the Jacobhouse project too