(Above: During our afternoon adventure, my brother and I walked around the Seattle Center where exists the Space Needle. We did not venture inside because it was chock full of tourists.)
7/24/2022: Today began in the low 70s and proceeded to warm briefly into the mid 90s before nearby storms brought temperatures back to the low 80s and high 70s.
A sizeable Cuban tree frog observed on the evening of 7/23/2022. Dawn of 7/24/2022 in the south-easternmost pasture. A casserole dish of ratatouille cooked to go alongside lunch. I made this the prior morning, and it consisted of: thinly sliced zucchini & summer squash, homemade tomato sauce, and mozzarella cheese. The main entrée for lunch was a salad adorned with fresh hard-baked eggs. A tentative blueprint for an idea I’ve recently been mulling concerning the old milking parlor. Mid-afternoon beef pasture inspection of 7/24/2022. This photo was taken in the front-field, facing west. Old #967 with her wizened white eyebrows. Near the end of the beef pasture inspection, we observed an approaching cloud front. Though lightning appeared to follow in its wake, it seemed to either fizzle out before reaching us or to simply pass by to the southeast. After the inspection, we decided to IV an ailing / weak Wagyu calf out of Holstein #596. After the IV, we took a urine and saliva sample from the calf. It showed much higher alkaline values than any of the other tests we have taken. At this time, we are attributing it to the IV (which itself is highly alkaline), but we’re going to test more calves as time goes on to see if we can find what ‘normal’ is.
7/25/2022: Today began in the mid 70s and proceeded to warm into the mid 90s. Nearby storms returned temperatures back into the 80s.
Dawn of 7/25/2022 in the east pasture. Belgian Blue #7200 – daughter of #510 – displaying one of the farm’s roundest rumps. Lunch of 7/25/2022 was procured from Sushi Bistro of Ocala. Padre garnished the miso-soup starter with fresh snap-pea pods and purslane flowers. Attractive and crunchy. A tray of downright delectable sushi. Another PH test on Holstein #596’s calf. The left was saliva, and the right was urine. The reason for today’s difference was either due to its recently nursing, the lack of IV fluids, or both. Jacobhouse on the evening of 7/25/2022. A picture I took of my suitcase stuffed with frozen beef for a Master Blend update on my upcoming journey to Seattle. Dinner of 7/25/2022: A Belgian Blue burger-steak topped with pan-seared shallots, cachucha peppers, and a fresh sprig of rosemary. Another, slightly zoomed out view of dinner.
7/26/2022: . Today began in the high 60s (in Seattle) and reached the low 90s. Sunny throughout.
Dawn of 7/26/2022: A Diet Coke enjoyed in the Atlanta Airport. I had taken pictures before this point, but they were too dark (probably because I got up at 4 AM so Madre could drive me to the Gainesville airport). A movie enjoyed on the way to Seattle. A view of the lands outside of Atlanta, GA. A view of the lands approaching Seattle. Just before this, there were a series of deserty hills. Lunch of 7/26/2022 consisted of a couple large slices of sausage-topped pizza along with a cool, fresh, and crispy Greek salad. A half-slice of lemon-polenta cake. It was reminiscent of cornbread, but had the qualities of a dessert (namely an increased presence of sugar and lemon flavor). A very tasty and very sugary dessert called a Nanaimo bar. This is about 1/8 of the whole thing. It reminded me of a Chocolate Bonbon with a graham/nut-filled base. Elliot Bay on 7/26/2022. A peaceful little path found near the bay shore in Seattle. A unique snack found at the World Market in Seattle, WA. I think if I were to end up trying these, I’d go with the Jalapeño & Cheddar variety. This flavor… no. A late and light dinner of left-over pizza (skillet-warmed) accompanied by a fruit plate bearing sliced white nectarine, blue-berries, and Greek yogurt.
07/27/2022: . Today began in the mid 60s and warmed into the low 90s. Sunny throughout.
Morning of 7/27/2022: I enjoyed a couple Diet Cokes in the Tower 12 lounge while tending to yesterday’s blog post and the writing project. I also ventured out onto the balcony and looked out over the Elliot Bay. A beef curry hom bow procured from Mee Sum Pastry at the Pike Place Market. The bread seemed to be a cross between a sweet-roll and pastry, and it was filled with a spicy (and exceedingly delicious) beef curry. The combination between sweet and spicy was very unique. A view of some of the products in H-Mart of Downtown Seattle. After the morning excursion that my brother and I took, we returned to the room for a brief break. During this time, I prepared short ribs and no-sugar-added BBQ sauce for dinner later on in the day. Around 2:30 PM, we went outdoors to ride bikes around the many bike-trails that line Seattle’s coastline. Along the way, we found many blackberry bushes. Many of the berries were still ripening, but those which were exposed to the sun were already sweet and juicy. A handful of delicious wild blackberries. A unique flower found in the location called the “Rose Garden” which we found at the end of our bike ride. At 7:15 PM, it was cooking time! We brought the short-ribs down to the grills on level 6, and there, I used my brother’s cast iron skillet to cook them. The full spread of dinner on 7/27/2022: Belgian Blue short rib(s) and an excellent green-mix, tomato, & onion salad. A close-up of the first shortrib accompanied by BBQ and mustard. A picture of a particularly perfect piece of short-rib that my brother cut into.
7/28/2022: Today began in the mid 60s and warmed into the low 90s. Sunny throughout.
The morning ritual of writing, blog-tending and Diet Coke. One of the first unique plants I witnessed at the Amazon Spheres during our morning adventure (it did not take long to find a strange plant). This was a specie of Begonia from Vietnam. Elephant ears with a slightly bat-wing-like appearance. Cuthbertson’s Dendrobium of New Guinea. The plant was rooted onto decaying sticks. Clubmoss. It looked like an aquatic plant living on land. The Plant Wall. The upper boughs of Ruby, the Amazon Spheres’ well-known ficus tree. Another view of the Plant Wall, this time from below. An orange spike-ball bearing little protruding flowers. Purple flowers (unknown name) at the base of the spheres. The walkway surrounding Ruby (the central ficus tree) can be seen in the background. A “Giant Blueberry” plant from South America. There were no such berries to be seen. Drymonia & Dutchman’s pipe from Ecuador and South America. A delicious lunch of fried chicken and seaweed & cucumber salad procured from Ma’ono Fried Chicken near the Amazon Spheres. A close-up of the fried chicken. It was slightly greasy of course, but the batter was not too thick and utilized as a means of conveying dried spices (cayenne pepper being one of the prominent flavors). A close-up of the cucumber & seaweed salad. Crunchy, salty, and tasting of the ocean. Likely good for my iodine levels. An afternoon game of billiard was enjoyed before our venturing to the Seattle Center. A large fountain near the Seattle Center. During our afternoon adventure, my brother and I walked around the Seattle Center where exists the Space Needle. We did not venture inside because it was chock full of tourists. On our return journey to the apartment, Camoen procured me a large refreshment from the Amazon Go shop. It was a Lime & Ginger Diet Coke – a good flavor and almost as novel as simply walking out the store with it. A delicious dinner of Pad See Eiw procured from Bangrak of Seattle, WA. To the side, I had a salad comprised of green mix, onion, and tomato dressed in a spicy mustard vinaigrette. A close-up of the Pad See Eiw with Prawns procured from Bangrak. It was spicy, satiating, and new to the palate. The large, Jacob-wrought salad dressed in spicy mustard vinaigrette (spicy mustard, red wine vinegar, garlic salt, pepper, and olive oil. The late-night fruit snack: white nectarine, blueberries, and Greek yogurt sprinkled with cinnamon. A view of the Elliot Bay on the evening of 7/29/2022.
7/29/2022: Today began in the mid 60s and warmed into the low 90s.
Morning of 7/29/2022. Morning from the balcony atop Tower 12 Apartments. This construction site is located at the direct center of the view from my brother’s apartment. It is to be taller than his building after completion. A F2 Wagyu Rump Roast pulled out for the dinner of 7/29/2022. This morning, my brother and I went for a lengthy bike & scooter ride. This was our first stop. The blackberry bushes were absolutely loaded with fruit at all stages of ripeness. Just one handful of the fruit plucked during our morning excursion. One of many, many handfuls. The portion of Elliot Bay north of Seattle. A number of people were boating and paddle-boarding today. A view across the bay. The locks (and fish ladder) of Seattle, WA. I got to witness boats lowered from the lake down to the water level of the bay. A delectable roasted pork sandwich procured from Paseo (I think) for the lunch of 7/29/2022. After preparing pastry dough and filling, I ventured outdoors on a short ‘walk-around’. This is the park that can be seen from the roof-top balcony of Tower 12 (the building where my brother stays). There were a number of people sitting around enjoying the temperate weather, a little acoustic band playing “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” by The Rolling Stones, and a lady meditating atop a small knoll. Another picture taken during my afternoon walk of 7/29/2022. Dinner of 7/29/2022: A resplendent repast of reverse seared F2 Wagyu Rump Roast accompanied by a salad dressed with homemade Caesar. Dessert consisted of frozen mango topped with Greek yogurt, fresh blueberries, cinnamon, and a small amount of Monk Fruit sweetener.
7/30/2022: Today began in the mid-60s and warmed into the mid-90s.
Morning of 7/30/2022: As I was writing and tending to blog this morning, I glanced over to my right and found a painting that could very well have been inspired by the gum wall at Pike Place. I also witnessed a cruise ship out in the harbor that not only had slides & a wave-pool on top. It also had a go-cart track. The Westlake light rail station. At 11 AM, it was relatively devoid of people. Like the rest of the city I’ve seen thus far (excluding that one wall), it is kept fairly clean. Morning adventure: The Washington Park Arboretum. A clearing near the Japanese Maple Grove. A close-up of one of those Japanese Maple Trees. A stairway up to a bench that, had I brought my accordion, would have made for an excellent playing area. Brother by a (relatively) young Sequoia tree. Brother by some sort of especially tall pine tree (name of the specie unknown). A path that runs alongside a brook… or at least its a brook during the rainier times of the year. These appeared to be a form of azure hydrangea. After returning to the apartment, my brother ordered Pastrami sandwiches from Dingfelder’s Delicatessen. This is pre-unveiling. The unveiled sandwich. Between the juicy pastrami, Thousand-island-like dressing, slaw, mustard, and marble rye, it made for a delectable repast. Later on in the afternoon, I formed the dough and filling that I made yesterday into pastries. They were cooked on 350 F for about 50 minutes, and this is the result. While the pastries cooled, I decided to go on an hour’s long walk. Along the way, I procured a decent picture of the ferris wheel near the water’s edge. The late-afternoon snack: Apple & Pistachio pastry accompanied by fresh blueberries and Rainier Cherries. Inside the pastry. The layering was tremendous. Late-night fruit snack after watching 28 Days Later with my brother. The fruit was at its prime, and when accompanied by Greek Yogurt, made for an excellent (and cool) variety of textures and flavors.
Final Note: It is the morning of my final full day here in Seattle, and I must say… it is quite strange seeing farm activities at the start of this week’s post while knowing I will be witnessing them again within the next two days. In other words, this trip flew by… but that was almost expected after the prior.
The number of experiences one can have in a week, no doubt, are many and in this case thousands of miles in-between. Thanks for sharing all this, it’s like part of me got to visit along with you.