9/6/2020 – Unique sunset.


(Above: A vertical panorama of bovines grazing beneath dusky sky.)

Summary: Today began with calisthenics, piano practice, and a beef pasture inspection with Padre. A couple brief cattle-related activities were ensued by my return to Jacobhouse where I took care of a few neatening tasks before writing for about 2.25 hours. At 11:30 AM, I worked on some school related reading & class work, and at 12 PM, I brought a couple baked potatoes over to the studio for lunch.

(4:45 PM Update:) Afternoon tasks were initiated with Master Blend website work, writing a portion of this entry, rest, and playing Path of Exile. This was followed by my venturing into the roasting outdoors where I turned on the sprinklers for both languishing gardens before helping with the usual cattle-related tasks, including: carrying fodder buckets, inspecting the beef pasture for ailing creatures, and feeding calves fresh grain. A seltzer break was ensued by a return to Jacobhouse where I worked some more on the Master Blend website, prepared a beef rump roast for dinner, and am presently concluding today’s entry.

Final Note: The only tasks remaining to this day are the evening beef pasture inspection and roasting the aforementioned beef.

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