(Above: Superb presentation is rivaled by supreme textures and flavors. Thank you, Sushi Bistro.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, piano practice, and some PoA coursework. This was followed by a beef pasture inspection with Padre where all the living bovines appeared healthy and content. I next tended to a couple tasks that were a tad overdue: moving the printer from the Master Blend freezer room to under the bed at Jacobhouse and taking care of the ongoing ant invasion that has been occurring on the front porch for about two weeks*.
About 1.5 hours of writing ensued with the only interruption being a Master Blend customer, and at 11:15 AM, Madre and I rode into Ocala where we procured sushi for lunch and stopped by Winn Dixie to replenish our supply of greens. The midday meal was occurring by 12:50 PM, and as always, the sushi was excellent.
(7:27 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with more PoA coursework and a brief repose. This was followed by my venturing outdoors to help with bovine related tasks (capturing a couple heat-cows & embryo recipients and treating a sick calf in the field) and working a little bit on Madre’s office (dry-fitting the CPVC layout and preparing to wire the water heater). I next performed the day’s final beef pasture inspection with Padre, after which I returned to Jacobhouse where I worked more on PoA before concluding today’s entry.

Final Note: The only tasks remaining to this day are: a little bit of Master Blend bookkeeping, a relaxing dinner at the studio, and leisure. Leisure… if the thing that lurks in the night does not consume me.
*I was hoping they would go away so I would not have to spray their trail, but today they were very close to entering the air-conditioning. I did not want ants in Jacobhouse’s kitchen, so the spray had to be retrieved and utilized.
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