(Above: Fresh cow’s milk, ricotta, and feta ice-cream. Unique and delicious.)
Summary: This day began with calisthenics, piano practice, and writing. At 7:30 AM, I ventured outdoors to perform the morningly beef pasture inspection with Padre, and by 8:35 AM, I had begun the daily writing. Writing activities persisted until 11:45 AM whereupon I reviewed “Principles of Advertising” textbook terms for about 20 minutes before taking and completing the first quiz. To conclude morning activities, I prepared and grilled a couple Master Blend Limousin-Blue burgers for lunch. The midday meal occurred at 12:35 PM and consisted of the aforementioned beef along with a hefty amount of springmix-and-onion salad.

(7:16 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with more school, some Master Blend website work*, and rest. I tended to a Master Blend customer at 3 PM and next ventured back indoors where I worked on the website for 36 minutes until I was told that the cows had finally decided to walk up to the barn**. The usual cattle-related tasks ensued, but today had the addition of attempting to get a blind calf and a weak Beefmaster calf to nurse. It should also be noted that Padre procured me 4 cups of fresh milk to make icecream with.
We next took a brief break where I put together the aforementioned ice cream. The ingredients included: 2 cups fresh milk (filtered), 1 cup ricotta, ½ cup sour cream, ½ cup heavy cream, and 1/2 cup sugar. (Later on, I made an addition of 2 ounces Feta cheese to give the ice cream a tang reminiscent of the ricotta-pecorino gelato in Sicily). The break was followed by a return outdoors where Padre and I captured two cows for breeding & embryo transfer, partook in more calf-shenanigans, and performed the day’s final beef pasture inspection. Thankfully, clouds covered up the sun for the lattermost portion.
Final Note: As I conclude this day’s entry, ice cream is churning in the background. From the taste tests earlier, I would state that this is one of the best and most unique batches yet.
*I am going to apply some of what I learn to Master Blend. Today I began neatening up the website and began compiling images of the goods that are sold.
** Even then, only about half of the cows had come up due to the day’s heat index of almost 110 F.
First time I had fresh milk in over a decade… Delicious icecream