(Above: A pizza I made last night consisting of homemade sourdough crust, fresh mozzarella, and Parmigiano-Reggiano.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, piano practice, Jacobhouse tidying, and a little over an hour’s worth of writing. This was ensued by a beef pasture inspection with Padre and then by my return home where I proceeded with Freekend #5. It was a glorious morning of gaming, and at noon, I ventured over to the Studio for a lunch of baked potatoes, raw cubed steak (placed within the potatoes to cook), and a larger Padre-made/Madre-dressed salad.
Due to my not having acquired many pictures today, here is a series from yesterday afternoon:
(5:05 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with a brief repose and more Path of Exile with two Master Blend related pauses – one at 2:15 PM and one at 3:15 PM. Padre did not summon me outdoors until about 3:45 PM, whereupon we commenced to perform a beef pasture inspection and a calf-IV’ing. This was ensued by my return to Jacobhouse where I am presently concluding today’s entry. As a bonus, here is a song I have been practicing lately; this iteration is by no means perfect, but it is my best recording of it thus far.
Final Note: For dinner this evening, I will likely reheat the second ratatouille and bring it over to the Studio. It is going to be delectable.