(Above: This calf is a hybrid exhibiting a genetic ratio of Belgian Blue (50): Angus (25): Santa Gertrudis (25). This morning I could not help but notice how the mother bovine was draping her ample brisket upon her offspring.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, piano practice, writing, and pulling out the Magic Chef Washer/Dryer in preparation for the maintenance man. I next ventured outdoors where I performed the morning beef pasture inspection with Padre (all of the bovines were healthy and appeared quite content). On returning to Jacobhouse, I took a shower and then visited Padre at the studio for about 45 minutes. The repair-person* arrived shortly afterward whereupon we inspected the machine and determined that parts that were needed to fix it**.
The next portion of morning was spent writing, helping Madre find the parts needed for her office project, and making a Sushi Bistro order. The journey into town that followed was a swift one, and we were back and eating a delicious Sushi lunch by 12:50 PM.

(7:20 PM Update:) Afternoon activities were initiated with about 1.25 hours of writing and a rest. I next helped Madre on her container project until about 5:50 PM (primarily plumbing and determining how the water was going to be brought in). To conclude outdoor tasks, I walked through the heifer and beef pasture with Padre to perform the day’s final inspection.
Final Note: Now that I have returned to Jacobhouse, I am concluding today’s entry and reading more of the Principles of Advertising textbook before having a light dinner of spring-mix salad and Padre-pizza at the Studio.
*A hefty fellow, casually dressed with a comb-over.
**It will be about 10+ days until those parts are available.