(Above: A honey-glazed prosciutto-wrapped pastry with garlic-mushroom filling.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a beef pasture inspection with Padre, and some Master Blend freezer organizing. This was ensued by a few Jacobhouse chores and then by about 2.5 hours of writing. At 11:10 AM, I visited Padre at the studio for a little while, and at about 12:30 PM, Madre and I ventured into Ocala to procure lunch from Sushi Bistro. The midday meal occurred at 1:25 PM and consisted of sushi, onion soup, and Padre-made cucumber salad.
(5:30 PM Update:) This afternoon was initiated with writing and rest, and it was followed by my helping with a few farm-related tasks, including: moving feed buckets, IV’ing a sick calf, checking the pasture for ailing creatures, breaking up feed for edibility, treating three eyes, and at the end, taking a seltzer break. Now that I have returned indoors, I plan on completing this day’s entry before engaging in leisure (part of which will consist of cutting up a couple little-melons).

Final Note: All that remains for today is the final beef pasture inspection and a dinner during which much watermelon shall be consumed.