(Above: A classic summer thunderstorm approaching at 2 PM this afternoon. I’m glad I took down my clothing.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a beef pasture check with Padre, and the weekly Jacobhouse cleaning. This was ensued by a couple hours of writing and lunch preparation which included the oiling, salting, and grilling of two sirloin steaks. The midday meal occurred at about 12:40 PM and consisted of the aforementioned beef, cucumber salad, and watermelon.
(6:17 PM Update:) Afternoon activities were initiated by my tending a Master Blend customer, setting up a surveillance camera so I can see if/when people are arriving for beef*, and writing a portion of this entry. A brief rest during a rather intense thunderstorm was ensued by more writing and then by my venturing outdoors to help with farm-related activities. Today’s tasks included: finding / catching a couple diminutive Wagyu bulls for castration and inspecting the animals residing in the Holstein and beef pastures. I returned to Jacobhouse afterward, and there, I wrote the majority of this entry while waiting for mushrooms to cook in the cast iron skillet. They are destined for tonight’s pastry (and must be very dry).
Final Note: After the completion of today’s entry, I plan on engaging in some leisure while waiting on the mushrooms and the pastry to cook.
*The process entailed fastening the camera-mount high on a post which itself required me to climb atop a warped and wobbly wooden gate while a large Longhorn/Brahman bull peered intently at me from less than 15 feet away.