Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a beef pasture check with Padre, and a few housekeeping tasks. This was ensued by about 3 hours of writing, tending to a couple instances of Master Blend correspondence, and a visit to the studio. After the lattermost activity, I returned to Jacobhouse where I cooked some ham-steaks for lunch. The midday meal occurred at 12:45 pm and consisted of the aforementioned pork, salad with Padre-made croutons, and Madre-cooked corn.
I unfortunately did not remember to take pictures of lunch, but here are some pictures of last night’s dinner at La Cuisine:
(5:45 PM Update:) This afternoon began with my salting a large rib steak (likely for tomorrow’s dinner), revising, resolving a Master Blend query, rest, and tending to some UF-related tasks. I next ventured outdoors where I helped with farm activities, including: catching / pulling weaning rings on almost twenty calves, checking the pasture for ailing creatures, IV’ing a sick calf, and performing a final beef pasture check before a storm reached us. Now, back at Jacobhouse, I am finishing up today’s entry.
Final Note: I am uncertain what the remainder of this day shall provide. I’ll place pictures on tomorrow’s entry if anything of interest occurs.
Definitely something interesting in my stomach currently, so I’d say pictures are a definite.