(Above: Clouds preceding a rainy day, found this morning shortly after exiting Jacobhouse.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, piano practice, and a few house-neatening tasks. This was ensued by a beef-pasture ride with Padre* and then by my return to Jacobhouse where I proceeded to write for 1.5 hours. I next began reading some material for the two classes that I have just begun at UF: Mass Media & You and Principles of Advertising. So far, both classes seem like they will possess interesting aspects.
At 11 AM, I made an order to Sushi Bistro, and at 11:05 AM, I ventured outdoors to ride into town with Madre. Before departing, a kindly albeit rushed Master Blend customer arrived. She quickly bought some beef, and soon afterward, we were all on our way. The midday meal occurred at 12:30 PM and consisted of sushi and spinach & springmix salad. It was all delicious.
(6:41 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with my responding to the introductory discussion post of Principles of Advertising and a rest within the Jacobhouse bed as rain pattered against the roof. At 3:00 PM, I ventured outdoors and aided with farm tasks, including: catching bovines for vaccination / examination, checking the barn for ailing creatures, taking a brief seltzer break, fixing a gate, and performing the day’s final beef pasture inspection.

On returning to Jacobhouse I attempted fixing the Washer/Dryer**, and now I’m concluding this day’s entry before exploring the new classes a little bit more before dinner.
Final Note: This evening’s repast will likely consist of leftover Sushi Bistro salad, more greens, and possibly a small amount of homemade ice cream.
*This check went fairly well except for one newborn which was acting oddly. It was able to stand and nurse, but it randomly flopped onto its side and assumed ‘dead-stance’ where it was lethargic and limp-muscled.
** The dryer is not working again, so I pulled the device out onto the appliance-stool to finagle with the fuses. If it still does not work, I will need to attempt pressing the fuses in a tad harder.