(Above: A cheddar/prosciutto pastry roll ready for baking.)

Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a beef pasture inspection with Padre, and some cooking-related activities (one of which was pastry-dough-preparation). This was followed by writing for between 2.5 and 3 hours, interrupted only at the very end by the arrival of a Master Blend customer. After tending to him, I returned to Jacobhouse, partook in about 15 minutes of leisure, and then ventured over to the studio for a lunch of baked potatoes, springmix/spinach salad, and a very large peach.
(5:35 PM Update:) Afternoon activities were initiated with rest, Master Blend correspondence, watermelon cutting, and some revising. This was ensued by my helping with farm-related tasks which primarily consisted of bringing a calf up from the field to the barn for treatment and checking both the pasture and barn for ailing creatures. After a seltzer break with Padre, I returned to Jacobhouse where I flattened some pastry dough, worked on a majority of the content of this entry, prepared the pastry for cooking, and wrote.
Final Note: After checking the beef pasture with Padre, all I have left for this evening is some pastry-baking and couple hours of leisure.