8/17/2020 – Big White Thing


(Above: I have already posted pictures of this Brahman-Longhorn bull, but he was standing in a perfect position for a photo this afternoon. An impressive specimen.)

Summary: Today began with calisthenics, early-morning housekeeping, and beef pasture inspection. A return to Jacobhouse was ensued by about 2.5 hours of writing which was, in turn, followed by a visit with Padre at the Studio. Shortly after, at about 12:00 PM, I ordered lunch from Sushi Bistro, and Madre & myself ventured into Ocala to pick it up. Lunch was eaten at 1:05 PM and consisted of plenteous sushi along with a fresh salad of mixed greens.

(6:57 PM Update:) Afternoon activities were initiated with a little bit more writing, beginning this entry, a brief rest, and tending to Master Blend customer. Next, I stepped outdoors to help with a number of tasks, including: catching a few cows for embryo transfer/breeding, catching a calf for eye treatment, installing a panel box in Madre’s office, performing the day’s final beef pasture inspection, and visiting with Mr. Woods of Woods Garage Auto-Repair (he also bought some beef).

Final Note: Now that I have returned to Jacobhouse, I’m going to conclude this entry before tending to some Master Blend bookkeeping and watermelon cutting. After that, shall come leisure.