(Above: Beginning the vegetable ring that is characteristic of ratatouille.)
Summary: Today began with calisthenics, a beef pasture ride with Padre, and the weekly cleaning of Jacobhouse. This was ensued by writing, tending to a Master Blend Customer, and then writing some more. I next ventured back outdoors to ride through the beef pasture with Padre, Wag, and our farm’s veterinarian, Dr. Fisk. Fisk commenced to tell us ways in which we could improve our cattle vaccination regimen, and it actually seemed as if it was going to be less work than what we are doing at this time. Lunch occurred at 1:45 PM and consisted of Jacob-grilled potatoes and Padre-made / Madre-dressed salad.
(4:51 PM Update:) Afternoon activities began with a little bit of writing and rest which were ensued by a few farm tasks, including: bringing a sick calf up to the barn from the pasture, treating it, and checking the beef pasture once more for ailing creatures. It was break-time next whereupon I returned to Jacobhouse, worked on this entry, repaired my desk, and tended to some kitchen shenanigans (feeding Doug and working on a ratatouille).
Final Note: I’m still quite full from a late lunch of grilled potatoes, so I may forgo dinner tonight. If that is the case, all there is left to the day is the evening beef pasture check and leisure.